Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Tibia Guild for Fast leveling

If you want to powergame, prepare to have bad magic level or prepare to use loads of resources to raise that magic level. This guide is for those who don't have a blocker, if you do just go hydras or whatever.
Level 8
Once you're out of rookgaard, go to edron, get a wand of vortex and go hunt some rotworms. Buy Light or Find person spell, and a cheap shield like dwarven shield. Use parcels or other blocking items to block the rotworms, so you don't get damaged too much. Make lootbags of swords and maces, and take all worms.

Level 12
At level 12, you should have enough money for energy strike. Your mana should heal faster than you use your wand, so use energy strike to kill rots faster.

Level 13
If there's a person selling the wand of dragonbreath for under shop price (1000gp), buy it, or just buy it from shop since it's not that much. Travel to darashia by carpet, buy intense healing (exura gran), and continue to hunt rotworms there. If there are people buying worms, sell yours, this is just a little way of getting more gold in the game.

Level 20
If you can get a team to desert quest, just join, otherwise don't waste your time, and continue to hunt and make lootbags. At this stage, you should have enough money, and try to buy the wand of cosmic energy beforehand.

Level 25
Buy a cheap weapon (Firesword/knight axe/dragon hammer on old worlds, spikesword/barbarian axe/clerical mace on new worlds), and buy the HMM spell. Hunt rotworms and make lootbags and HMMs. If you haven't bought the level 26 wand yet, just buy from npc shop.

Level 26
You should have finished the desert quest by now, if not, make a few more BPs of hmms and sell them, and get enough money for a promotion. If you also have the wand of cosmic energy, this is where you can start to level quicker. Go to a larva cave in ankrahmun, and bring your wand of cosmic energy and wand of dragonbreath. It will always take only 2 hits from the level 26 wand (larvas have 70 hp, and the wand has a minimum damage of 37), so it gives a very good mana:exp ratio. When your mana runs out, however, switch to your wand of dragonbreath, and once you have enough, switch back to the level 26 wand.

Level 28
You should get this stage relatively quickly and have quite a bit of money from the larvas. Try to buy the level 33 wand beforehand, and buy the firewave and summon creature spell...

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