Friday, 13 November 2009
How To Make money In Tibia
These are some good guides for tibia players making money ,wish you like it !
There are different ways and places to go but I have personally found a few to stand out in the past. Mintwallen, Hydras and Dwarf Guards are some of the best places in my opinion in that order. Most people will tell you that collecting loot is the best way and that's how I look at it. Loot bagging is an essential part of everyday Tibia and makes for a proficient source of income for any vocation. Just try to think of it as free money. Most people don't pick up little stuff like Hatchets but if you think about it, it's actually like leaving 25gp on the ground repeatedly, which deducts from what your gross total could be. That's my point of view but I don't blame you if you don't collect the little things usually anything under 50gp as can be a bit bothersome to go all the way to Fibula to sell them but keep in mind you should be collecting Bows and Cross Bows so you'll have to make the trip anyway. You can drag your bag around with you or hide it with at least a backpack of bolts as partial contents, having some extra backpacks makes looting more enjoyable and since you won't carrying it because you should have done the POSTMANS QUEST the weight should be of no matter. If you're not good at saving money like me, just save up the loot keeping it organized, which makes for a faster more efficient selling experience. I usually sell a loot bag that weighs at least 100k oz because at that weight your pretty much guaranteed a decent sum of cash.
Clearing Quest
People will always need help doing quest. You can charge the tibia money to clear the quest or even accompany them. Here are just a few that occur often enough to note.
BLACK KNIGHT QUEST- The idea is to run the Black Knight around the room while you bolt it and use Sudden Death Runes, you can charge a group of low levels a set price and it adds up depending on the number of heads on the hunt. You'll need to find the key in a dead tree near by. (Need level 50)
BANSHEE QUEST- This quest is a bit more tricky as the last seal can't be infiltrated by people that have all ready done so, but the people always need help killing the Warlocks and just for support. (Need level 60)
STEALTH RING QUEST- This is a easy set up to be honest, I can go invisible and clear the entire pyramid with one cast of Invisibility. It's located to the far northeast of Darashia. (Need Invisible)
EDRON ORC QUEST- Pretty easy for the most part, just a lot of Orcs and one Giant Spider to deal with. It's located through the sewers in the largest apartment like complex to the south of the southern most Edron Castle gate. (Shield recommended)
BLOOD HERB QUEST- Another easy one being that a Giant Spider is the only creature that poses anything-immediate threat. (Shield and Heavy Magic Missile Runes recommended)
DEEPER FIBULA QUEST - This quest takes a little planning with the amount of creatures your killing. People in newer worlds will need help around level 50 as well as more with the progression of time. You need a key or two down here so make sure you do your homework and ask around. (You have to be at least level 50 to get through the doors so any higher just makes it easier)
People need money to advance in level, as they level they make money also. What I'm getting at is that you can essentially make money by capitalizing on this idea. I personally usually invest in Mages or Knights since their gain is usually higher than that of a Paladin. Let's say you loan a sorcerer 20 backpacks of manafluids, you could make a deal like you get all the loot he collects as payment which depending on the skill of the Sorcerer should bring you in a little award. The downside is the reward might be small but if you think about it and you can increase the amount loaned as time progresses to receive larger rewards and its free money.
If you keep the Trade Channel open enough you'll sometimes notice a nice or maybe decent item selling way below the average price. Your goal here is to buy an item for as low as possible then sell it for the normal price. Patient is a must in this venture as items are hard to sell sometimes. Keeping this in mind next time you see a Crusader Helmet for 4K don't think twice just buy it because at the worst case scenario you can have someone sell this item to a Djinn.
World Trading
You can buy items cheaper in older worlds and this sometimes comes in handy. Think about it like this, if I was to buy a Magic Plate Armor in say Antica for 300K, then I could simply world trade it to a newer world where it's say 650K. By world trading a item like this you double your money. You can trade money from your current world to another to do this technique, but don't trust everyone now. It takes times and a few times getting tricked sometimes to learn, but after a while you'll be able to smell a trap from a mile away. Trade low amounts and you might want to be trying to find out about reputations of the recipient. There are plenty of ways to find this out ranging from asking around for local gossip or in the Game Chat Channel.
There are different ways and places to go but I have personally found a few to stand out in the past. Mintwallen, Hydras and Dwarf Guards are some of the best places in my opinion in that order. Most people will tell you that collecting loot is the best way and that's how I look at it. Loot bagging is an essential part of everyday Tibia and makes for a proficient source of income for any vocation. Just try to think of it as free money. Most people don't pick up little stuff like Hatchets but if you think about it, it's actually like leaving 25gp on the ground repeatedly, which deducts from what your gross total could be. That's my point of view but I don't blame you if you don't collect the little things usually anything under 50gp as can be a bit bothersome to go all the way to Fibula to sell them but keep in mind you should be collecting Bows and Cross Bows so you'll have to make the trip anyway. You can drag your bag around with you or hide it with at least a backpack of bolts as partial contents, having some extra backpacks makes looting more enjoyable and since you won't carrying it because you should have done the POSTMANS QUEST the weight should be of no matter. If you're not good at saving money like me, just save up the loot keeping it organized, which makes for a faster more efficient selling experience. I usually sell a loot bag that weighs at least 100k oz because at that weight your pretty much guaranteed a decent sum of cash.
Clearing Quest
People will always need help doing quest. You can charge the tibia money to clear the quest or even accompany them. Here are just a few that occur often enough to note.
BLACK KNIGHT QUEST- The idea is to run the Black Knight around the room while you bolt it and use Sudden Death Runes, you can charge a group of low levels a set price and it adds up depending on the number of heads on the hunt. You'll need to find the key in a dead tree near by. (Need level 50)
BANSHEE QUEST- This quest is a bit more tricky as the last seal can't be infiltrated by people that have all ready done so, but the people always need help killing the Warlocks and just for support. (Need level 60)
STEALTH RING QUEST- This is a easy set up to be honest, I can go invisible and clear the entire pyramid with one cast of Invisibility. It's located to the far northeast of Darashia. (Need Invisible)
EDRON ORC QUEST- Pretty easy for the most part, just a lot of Orcs and one Giant Spider to deal with. It's located through the sewers in the largest apartment like complex to the south of the southern most Edron Castle gate. (Shield recommended)
BLOOD HERB QUEST- Another easy one being that a Giant Spider is the only creature that poses anything-immediate threat. (Shield and Heavy Magic Missile Runes recommended)
DEEPER FIBULA QUEST - This quest takes a little planning with the amount of creatures your killing. People in newer worlds will need help around level 50 as well as more with the progression of time. You need a key or two down here so make sure you do your homework and ask around. (You have to be at least level 50 to get through the doors so any higher just makes it easier)
People need money to advance in level, as they level they make money also. What I'm getting at is that you can essentially make money by capitalizing on this idea. I personally usually invest in Mages or Knights since their gain is usually higher than that of a Paladin. Let's say you loan a sorcerer 20 backpacks of manafluids, you could make a deal like you get all the loot he collects as payment which depending on the skill of the Sorcerer should bring you in a little award. The downside is the reward might be small but if you think about it and you can increase the amount loaned as time progresses to receive larger rewards and its free money.
If you keep the Trade Channel open enough you'll sometimes notice a nice or maybe decent item selling way below the average price. Your goal here is to buy an item for as low as possible then sell it for the normal price. Patient is a must in this venture as items are hard to sell sometimes. Keeping this in mind next time you see a Crusader Helmet for 4K don't think twice just buy it because at the worst case scenario you can have someone sell this item to a Djinn.
World Trading
You can buy items cheaper in older worlds and this sometimes comes in handy. Think about it like this, if I was to buy a Magic Plate Armor in say Antica for 300K, then I could simply world trade it to a newer world where it's say 650K. By world trading a item like this you double your money. You can trade money from your current world to another to do this technique, but don't trust everyone now. It takes times and a few times getting tricked sometimes to learn, but after a while you'll be able to smell a trap from a mile away. Trade low amounts and you might want to be trying to find out about reputations of the recipient. There are plenty of ways to find this out ranging from asking around for local gossip or in the Game Chat Channel.
Tibia Guide,
Tibia Money,
Tibia power leveling
Monday, 9 November 2009
How to make Tibia Gold Easily
When we are playing Tibia ,each of us wants to get much more tibia gold for our character ,but how to do it ? just follow me ,this guide will give you somehelp.
But remember, this isnt for people who are levels 60+, but for mid levels, and peolpe who want to kill intermediate monsters.
Making tibia money and gaining experience is not very easy to start off with on a brand new world, but hopefully this will give you an idea of where to start and how to go about it. Hopefully, I will also give hints about how to kill the monster in question.
Each monster will be shown in this order: NAME, HOW THEY HELP THE VOCATIONS, PROS and CONS. And without further ado, the tibia money Makers Guide: ALL VOCATIONS: Rotworms:
These happy go lucky rotworms again. Officially THE most hunted monster in tibia, with the larva's close behind them. There is more then one reason why everybody hunts the little critters. First of all, the brilliant amount of steady incomethey give. Not many rotworms give no money at all, and its very rare getting only a few GP in one. With them giving a max of 32gp, all you need is a few rotworms and youve made 1K. Another good fact is that they drop maces which most NPC's buy for 30gp, which means ou can loot them nd make bag upon bag of maces. Thy also give alot of Experience, which makes the caves they live in very crowded when 35,000+ players are online.
PROS: - Good money, - Drop maces, -Good experience.
CONS: - Caves are usually full.
After killing rotwaroms for a while, an giing good skills, consider killing these monsters for good loot.
Dwarf soldiers are THE BEST for loot at this level, because they drop Dwarven Shields(100gp in Kazoordan), Crossbows (120gp at Fibula), and Battleaxes (Bought in most places, Thais mainly). These are all big tibia gold making items for the level. After making afew lootbags full of this stuff, you will be rolling in the money. It is even better if you are a premium account and have done the postman quest which means you can parcel your items back and do not have to worry about dragging your items back to the Depot, and risk getting them stolen. Dwarf Soldiers also drop a very reasonable amount of loot. There are only 2 problems. They are ONLY found in the dwarf mines if you are a Free player, so the caves are usually always packed, whther there are only 300 players on your server or 900 players. Also, Dwarf soldiers travel in packs and one can break your shielding with its Melee and bolts, becausethese monsters can hit hard.. Therefor it is handy to have a few UH to have just in case you have more than one attacking you at once.
Thanks for your reading,Hope this guide can give you some help on making tibia money in the game and enjoying your tibia game!
But remember, this isnt for people who are levels 60+, but for mid levels, and peolpe who want to kill intermediate monsters.
Making tibia money and gaining experience is not very easy to start off with on a brand new world, but hopefully this will give you an idea of where to start and how to go about it. Hopefully, I will also give hints about how to kill the monster in question.
Each monster will be shown in this order: NAME, HOW THEY HELP THE VOCATIONS, PROS and CONS. And without further ado, the tibia money Makers Guide: ALL VOCATIONS: Rotworms:
These happy go lucky rotworms again. Officially THE most hunted monster in tibia, with the larva's close behind them. There is more then one reason why everybody hunts the little critters. First of all, the brilliant amount of steady incomethey give. Not many rotworms give no money at all, and its very rare getting only a few GP in one. With them giving a max of 32gp, all you need is a few rotworms and youve made 1K. Another good fact is that they drop maces which most NPC's buy for 30gp, which means ou can loot them nd make bag upon bag of maces. Thy also give alot of Experience, which makes the caves they live in very crowded when 35,000+ players are online.
PROS: - Good money, - Drop maces, -Good experience.
CONS: - Caves are usually full.
After killing rotwaroms for a while, an giing good skills, consider killing these monsters for good loot.
Dwarf soldiers are THE BEST for loot at this level, because they drop Dwarven Shields(100gp in Kazoordan), Crossbows (120gp at Fibula), and Battleaxes (Bought in most places, Thais mainly). These are all big tibia gold making items for the level. After making afew lootbags full of this stuff, you will be rolling in the money. It is even better if you are a premium account and have done the postman quest which means you can parcel your items back and do not have to worry about dragging your items back to the Depot, and risk getting them stolen. Dwarf Soldiers also drop a very reasonable amount of loot. There are only 2 problems. They are ONLY found in the dwarf mines if you are a Free player, so the caves are usually always packed, whther there are only 300 players on your server or 900 players. Also, Dwarf soldiers travel in packs and one can break your shielding with its Melee and bolts, becausethese monsters can hit hard.. Therefor it is handy to have a few UH to have just in case you have more than one attacking you at once.
Thanks for your reading,Hope this guide can give you some help on making tibia money in the game and enjoying your tibia game!
Friday, 6 November 2009
Tibia Helpful funtions
Experience-check with automatic monster detection
check the experience left to level by pressign the End key.
- adjustable amount of light
To de/activate the Light press the Page Down key on your keyboard. To vary the amount of light simply drag the bar to the desired percentage.
Speedfishing can be de/activated by pressing the Page Up key, and will reactivate your fishing-rod whenever you click to fish.
By pressing the Home key you de/activate the fastfishing which will both reactivate and click your mouse to fish.
-Hotkey de/activation
Press Ctrl+Del to (de)activate the hotkeys,
example: if want to crosswalk with your numpad.
Hope these funtions can give you some help on playing tibia game!
check the experience left to level by pressign the End key.
- adjustable amount of light
To de/activate the Light press the Page Down key on your keyboard. To vary the amount of light simply drag the bar to the desired percentage.
Speedfishing can be de/activated by pressing the Page Up key, and will reactivate your fishing-rod whenever you click to fish.
By pressing the Home key you de/activate the fastfishing which will both reactivate and click your mouse to fish.
-Hotkey de/activation
Press Ctrl+Del to (de)activate the hotkeys,
example: if want to crosswalk with your numpad.
Hope these funtions can give you some help on playing tibia game!
cheap tibia gold,
cheap tibia money,
Tibia Guide
Tibia Bots
The concept of using automated software Tibia bots on servers for the tibia game client is not new by any means. The use of automated software bots in games has been common since the earliest instances of even the most simple of first-person shooters, such as Doom, Quake and their predecessors. Bots were used to fill out the remaining player slots when the amount of live players was less than optimal for a fun and challenging match. Use of the software online tibia bots is fairly common in the modern day, even to the point where players utilize them for all manner of automated routines in games such as Tibia. Use of Tibia bots in Tibia and other online games can be a great way to improve your ability to gain experience and increase your rankings in the game world.
But unfortunately, many Tibia servers forbid the use of online Tibia bots on the part of the player, as there is so much manipulation of the XP and experience gathering grind, the process of repetitively attacking and gaining XP from mobs of creatures, game worlds are trying to crack down on third-party software such as online software Tibia bots. While these Tibia bots are completely suitable for games such as first-person shooters, where a simple software algorithm can fill out empty space that other players would ordinarily fill, players tend to believe that the use of Tibia bots is unfair in Tibia and other online multi-player role-playing games, since the gaining of XP by using a tibia bot requires no physical presence at the keyboard. This extreme advantage of the player who utilizes software Tibia bots stands in stark contrast to the average player who grinds away on a regular basis.
Deciding for yourself whether or not to take advantage of these bot programs in Tibia is a big step and it is important to remember that most Tibia server administrators do not allow these types of bot programs in their Tibia online game worlds, due to the perceived unbalancing effect. But the truth is, many of these Tibia bots are almost impossible to detect and provide an entire host of benefits, mainly free XP, making for an almost irresistible package.
But unfortunately, many Tibia servers forbid the use of online Tibia bots on the part of the player, as there is so much manipulation of the XP and experience gathering grind, the process of repetitively attacking and gaining XP from mobs of creatures, game worlds are trying to crack down on third-party software such as online software Tibia bots. While these Tibia bots are completely suitable for games such as first-person shooters, where a simple software algorithm can fill out empty space that other players would ordinarily fill, players tend to believe that the use of Tibia bots is unfair in Tibia and other online multi-player role-playing games, since the gaining of XP by using a tibia bot requires no physical presence at the keyboard. This extreme advantage of the player who utilizes software Tibia bots stands in stark contrast to the average player who grinds away on a regular basis.
Deciding for yourself whether or not to take advantage of these bot programs in Tibia is a big step and it is important to remember that most Tibia server administrators do not allow these types of bot programs in their Tibia online game worlds, due to the perceived unbalancing effect. But the truth is, many of these Tibia bots are almost impossible to detect and provide an entire host of benefits, mainly free XP, making for an almost irresistible package.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
How to start Tibia 7.5 server
When you want to play Tibia game ,you should start with tibia server ,but how to do it? You can read this article to know the arswer.
You must, first of all, start downloading a nice server. I suggest YurOTS or grimmed server
This tutorial is based on YurOTS though, so I suggest you download that one.
Now, the first step;
1. Download the server. (You must be a member to enter the downloads.)
This Step is kinda explaining itself, you download the server and extract it with WinRAR. (Download it at
2.Now that you’ve downloaded and extracted your server, browse to the place you extracted it to. This is what you’ll see (you’ll want to be in the OTS folder):
I’ll give a little explanation of every thing displayed here.
1. This is the data folder, containing all player files, account files and other scripts needed to run your server.
2. In here is the documentation (readme and stuff).
3. Well, I don’t know anything about this actually .
4. This is the config.lua file, it contains the server configuration (such as where the map is located and what’s your ip.)
5. These are dll files needed to run the server and the tibia.dat. DON’T CHANGE OR DELETE ANYTHING OF THIS.
6. This is the .exe file needed to start your server.
3. Now you know everything you need to know about the OTS folder, next is; the data folder. Open it and this is what you see:
Again, a little explanation would be nice wouldn’t it?
1. This contains all account files. They are named in the form of number.xml
2. This contains the file actions.xml, which says to which action.lua file each item leads, and the action scripts which actually makes, for an example, doors work.
3. In here are the files of all houses. You don’t need to change these for they are allready good as they are in the yurots map.
4. This contains the items.xml file, giving all item id’s. DON’T CHANGE THESE EXCEPT WHEN YOU GOT A REASON AND YOU KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING.
5. This contains all monster.xml files, telling the looktypes mana and other stuff such as attacks and loot.
6. In here are the NPC.xml and NPC.lua files. The .xml files refer to the .lua files and have got some extra information such as how the npc looks.
7. In here are the player.xml files.
8. In here are all spell scripts.
9. In here are the VIP lists of all characters.
10. The map file is in here.
11. This contains all commands. DON’T CHANGE THIS.
12. This contains the guilds, which are created at the “Guild Master”.
13. In here, it says what houses contain what items on what spots.
14. This is another file for houses. You don’t need to change this.
15. This contains the codes for the PVParena. Don’t change this for they’re already set.
16. This is the file for the waiting queue.
17. In this files all signs with text are listed with what they say.
18. This file says which monsters can be summoned for what mana. If you want you can change the mana rates a bit or add some monsters, but only do this if you understand it a bit…
4. Well wasn’t it nice to know that? Let’s get back one folder, to the OTS folder. Our next step is opening the config.lua. This is what you’ll see:
Code:——————————————OTServ configuration———————————————
datadir = “data/”
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.
—sets what map to load
mapfile = “data/world/test.otx”
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.
—the message the player gets when he logs in
loginmsg = “Welcome to YurOTS.”
//A welcome message you want people to see on log in, change this to a nice catchy sentence and people will maybe start liking it ^^.
—the port otserv listens on
port = “7171”
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.
—name of our server
servername = “YurOTS”
//The name of your server. Think of something catchy to make people feel attracted to it.
—name of the owner of our server
ownername = “Yurez”
//Your (nickname)
—email of the owner of our server
owneremail = “”
//If you want to tell, Your email.
—the url for more server info
url = “”
//A website (for example, an aac if you create one.0
—the location of the server
location = “Poland”
//Your location.
—the ip the server should redirect too
ip = “”
//Very important. Go to and check what your ip is. Fill it in here.
—The messagebox you sometimes get before you choose characters
motd = “Welcome to YurOTS”
//Your message of the day. Think of something nice here.
—use md5 passwords for accounts, yes/no
md5passwords = “no”
//If you want to encrypt your passwords with md5… You’ll have to decide this for yourself.
—world type. options: pvp, no-pvp, pvp-enforced
worldtype = “pvp”
//Fill in “pvp” if your server will have pvp enabled, “no-pvp” if you don’t want to have fighting people everywhere :P, and “pvp-enforced” for total chaos ;).
—max number of players allowed
maxplayers = “30”
//The player limit you want in your server, the higher the system specs of your PC, and the better the internet connection, the higher you can go here.
—exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1sec)
exhausted = 2000
//The time you want exhaustion to stay. (I advise 1000=1second here)
—exhaustion time for healing spells (1000 = 1sec)
exhaustedheal = 1000
//The exhaustion time on healing spells.
—how many ms to add if the player is already exhausted and tries to cast a spell (1000 = 1sec)
exhaustedadd = 300
//I advise to put 0 here, this is how much exhaustion is added if a player tries casting a spell while exhausted.
—how long does the player has to stay out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1sec)
pzlocked = 10*1000
//Explains itself…
—allow multiple logins of the same char
allowclones = 0
//Put 1 if you want multiple logins to be allowed, put 0 if not.
—vocation names
vocations = {“a sorcerer”, “a druid”, “a paladin”, “a knight”}
promoted_vocations = {“a master sorcerer”, “an elder druid”, “a royal paladin”, “an elite knight”}
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.
—- SQL part
sql_host = “localhost”
sql_user = “root”
sql_pass = “”
sql_db = “otserv”
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.
—- SQL MAP part
sqlmap = “test_map”
map_host = “localhost”
map_user = “root”
map_pass = “”
map_db = “”
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.——————————————YurOTS configuration————————————————how often do server saves it’s state (0 = off, 5 = 5min, 60 = hour)
autosave = 5
//Explains itself.
—experience multiplier (how much faster you got exp from monsters)
expmul = 10
//The xp multiplier, 10x means you have 10x normal tibia’s experience (this means you’ll get 180 exp from a wolf.)
—experience multiplier for pvp-enforced (how much faster you got exp from players)
expmulpvp = 2
//Explains itself.
—skill multipliers: 1 – rl tibia, 10 – ten times faster etc. {no-voc, sorcerer, druid, paladin, knight}
weaponmul = {“1”, “1”, “1”, “1”, “40”}
distmul = {“1”, “1”, “1”, “40”, “1”}
shieldmul = {“1”, “1”, “1”, “20”, “20”}
manamul = {“1”, “2”, “2”, “2”, “2”}
//The times you want your voc’s to increase the leveling up in skills. The “weaponmul = {“1”, “1”, “1”, “1”, “40”}” means no-voc, sorcs, druids, and paladins have normal club, axe, fist, and sword advance, and knights have a 40x normal tibia.
—how much points of life,mana,cap do you get when advancing {no-voc, sorcerer, druid, paladin, knight}
capgain = {“10”, “10”, “10”, “20”, “25”}
managain = {“5”, “30”, “30”, “15”, “5”}
hpgain = {“5”, “5”, “5”, “10”, “15”}
//Explains itself.
—how much faster do you recovery life,mana after eating food (1 – rl tibia)
healthtickmul = 5
manatickmul = 5
//Explains itself.
—do you want to enable cap system (yes/no)
capsystem = “no”
//Yes if you want a cap limit, No if not.
—do you want players to learn spells before they can use them (yes/no)
learnspells = “no”
//Yes to enable learn spell, no to disable.
—how much % of exp/skills/stuff do you lose when dying
diepercent = 7
//Explains itself.
—how many summons player can have
maxsummons = 2
//Explains itself.
—do you want to give summons for all vocations (yes/no)
summonsallvoc = “no”
//Explains itself.
—chance of losing a spear when shot (0 – none lost, 100000 – all lost)
spearlosechance = 50
//Explains itself.
—anti-afk – maximum idle time to kick player (1 = 1min)
kicktime = 15
//Explains itself.
—how many unjustified kills to get a red skull
redunjust = 3
//Explains itself
—how many unjustified kills to get banned
banunjust = 6
//Explains itself
—how long do you have white skull after killing player (1 = 1min)
whitetime = 15
//Explains itself
—how long do you have red skull (1 = 1min)
redtime = 6*60
//Explains itself
—how long do you have to wait to lose 1 unjustified kill (1 = 1min)
fragtime = 12*60
//Explains itself
—damage of burst arrows blast—default is from (1*lvl+5*mlvl)*0.24 to (1*lvl+5*mlvl)*0.55
burstarrowdmg = {“1.0”, “5.0”, “0.24”, “0.55”}
//The 1.0, 5.0, 0.24 and 0.55 are the numbers you see above. This means that a lvl 30 with mlvl 40 would do:
Mindamage: (1*30+5*40)*0.24 = 55.2 and maxdamage: (1*30+5*40)*0.55=126.5
Maybe you want to tweak this a bit.
Everything behind the ”//” are notes by me, this is what I have to tell about it. Read it carefully and follow my instructions where needed.
5. So far the config.lua. Save it and close it. We’ll need to go to data/accounts now.
We’re in the accounts folder. This is what you see:
Indeed, one mere file called 111111.xml.
Let’s open it and see what’s in then, well this is:
Okay, now we’re going to this line:
>and We’ll delete this part:
Well, now we edit the
Let’s return a bit, to this line:
We’ll change it to
Close it, after saving it, and change the name of 111111.xml
to {A}.xml
6. That’s the account folder. Go back one level to the data folder, and enter the players folder.
This is what you’ll see:
So we’re here with 2 files, GM Yurez.xml, and Yurez.xml.
We’ll start by deleting the second, Yurez.xml.
This leaves us with GM Yurez.xml. Try opening it.
You see this code:
Indeed, that’s a lot, but fortunately we only need the first part, this part:
Well, what to do. First of all we change
Now change
Maybe you want to change.
If you’re female though. And maybe you want to set your
To something higher, such as
If you do this, you’ll be able to create scripts which you can use, but acces 1 can’t.
Well, if you’d be so kind to save the file and close it…
Now we’ll rename the file GM Yurez, to {C}.
Anything else we need to change? Well, not right now! Congratiolations, you’re ready to go back 2 levels and run YurOTS.exe. (Number 6 on first image)
you’re done, all you need to do is connect to ip and log in, now you’re running around on your own server!
You must, first of all, start downloading a nice server. I suggest YurOTS or grimmed server
This tutorial is based on YurOTS though, so I suggest you download that one.
Now, the first step;
1. Download the server. (You must be a member to enter the downloads.)
This Step is kinda explaining itself, you download the server and extract it with WinRAR. (Download it at
2.Now that you’ve downloaded and extracted your server, browse to the place you extracted it to. This is what you’ll see (you’ll want to be in the OTS folder):
I’ll give a little explanation of every thing displayed here.
1. This is the data folder, containing all player files, account files and other scripts needed to run your server.
2. In here is the documentation (readme and stuff).
3. Well, I don’t know anything about this actually .
4. This is the config.lua file, it contains the server configuration (such as where the map is located and what’s your ip.)
5. These are dll files needed to run the server and the tibia.dat. DON’T CHANGE OR DELETE ANYTHING OF THIS.
6. This is the .exe file needed to start your server.
3. Now you know everything you need to know about the OTS folder, next is; the data folder. Open it and this is what you see:
Again, a little explanation would be nice wouldn’t it?
1. This contains all account files. They are named in the form of number.xml
2. This contains the file actions.xml, which says to which action.lua file each item leads, and the action scripts which actually makes, for an example, doors work.
3. In here are the files of all houses. You don’t need to change these for they are allready good as they are in the yurots map.
4. This contains the items.xml file, giving all item id’s. DON’T CHANGE THESE EXCEPT WHEN YOU GOT A REASON AND YOU KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING.
5. This contains all monster.xml files, telling the looktypes mana and other stuff such as attacks and loot.
6. In here are the NPC.xml and NPC.lua files. The .xml files refer to the .lua files and have got some extra information such as how the npc looks.
7. In here are the player.xml files.
8. In here are all spell scripts.
9. In here are the VIP lists of all characters.
10. The map file is in here.
11. This contains all commands. DON’T CHANGE THIS.
12. This contains the guilds, which are created at the “Guild Master”.
13. In here, it says what houses contain what items on what spots.
14. This is another file for houses. You don’t need to change this.
15. This contains the codes for the PVParena. Don’t change this for they’re already set.
16. This is the file for the waiting queue.
17. In this files all signs with text are listed with what they say.
18. This file says which monsters can be summoned for what mana. If you want you can change the mana rates a bit or add some monsters, but only do this if you understand it a bit…
4. Well wasn’t it nice to know that? Let’s get back one folder, to the OTS folder. Our next step is opening the config.lua. This is what you’ll see:
Code:——————————————OTServ configuration———————————————
datadir = “data/”
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.
—sets what map to load
mapfile = “data/world/test.otx”
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.
—the message the player gets when he logs in
loginmsg = “Welcome to YurOTS.”
//A welcome message you want people to see on log in, change this to a nice catchy sentence and people will maybe start liking it ^^.
—the port otserv listens on
port = “7171”
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.
—name of our server
servername = “YurOTS”
//The name of your server. Think of something catchy to make people feel attracted to it.
—name of the owner of our server
ownername = “Yurez”
//Your (nickname)
—email of the owner of our server
owneremail = “”
//If you want to tell, Your email.
—the url for more server info
url = “”
//A website (for example, an aac if you create one.0
—the location of the server
location = “Poland”
//Your location.
—the ip the server should redirect too
ip = “”
//Very important. Go to and check what your ip is. Fill it in here.
—The messagebox you sometimes get before you choose characters
motd = “Welcome to YurOTS”
//Your message of the day. Think of something nice here.
—use md5 passwords for accounts, yes/no
md5passwords = “no”
//If you want to encrypt your passwords with md5… You’ll have to decide this for yourself.
—world type. options: pvp, no-pvp, pvp-enforced
worldtype = “pvp”
//Fill in “pvp” if your server will have pvp enabled, “no-pvp” if you don’t want to have fighting people everywhere :P, and “pvp-enforced” for total chaos ;).
—max number of players allowed
maxplayers = “30”
//The player limit you want in your server, the higher the system specs of your PC, and the better the internet connection, the higher you can go here.
—exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1sec)
exhausted = 2000
//The time you want exhaustion to stay. (I advise 1000=1second here)
—exhaustion time for healing spells (1000 = 1sec)
exhaustedheal = 1000
//The exhaustion time on healing spells.
—how many ms to add if the player is already exhausted and tries to cast a spell (1000 = 1sec)
exhaustedadd = 300
//I advise to put 0 here, this is how much exhaustion is added if a player tries casting a spell while exhausted.
—how long does the player has to stay out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1sec)
pzlocked = 10*1000
//Explains itself…
—allow multiple logins of the same char
allowclones = 0
//Put 1 if you want multiple logins to be allowed, put 0 if not.
—vocation names
vocations = {“a sorcerer”, “a druid”, “a paladin”, “a knight”}
promoted_vocations = {“a master sorcerer”, “an elder druid”, “a royal paladin”, “an elite knight”}
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.
—- SQL part
sql_host = “localhost”
sql_user = “root”
sql_pass = “”
sql_db = “otserv”
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.
—- SQL MAP part
sqlmap = “test_map”
map_host = “localhost”
map_user = “root”
map_pass = “”
map_db = “”
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.——————————————YurOTS configuration————————————————how often do server saves it’s state (0 = off, 5 = 5min, 60 = hour)
autosave = 5
//Explains itself.
—experience multiplier (how much faster you got exp from monsters)
expmul = 10
//The xp multiplier, 10x means you have 10x normal tibia’s experience (this means you’ll get 180 exp from a wolf.)
—experience multiplier for pvp-enforced (how much faster you got exp from players)
expmulpvp = 2
//Explains itself.
—skill multipliers: 1 – rl tibia, 10 – ten times faster etc. {no-voc, sorcerer, druid, paladin, knight}
weaponmul = {“1”, “1”, “1”, “1”, “40”}
distmul = {“1”, “1”, “1”, “40”, “1”}
shieldmul = {“1”, “1”, “1”, “20”, “20”}
manamul = {“1”, “2”, “2”, “2”, “2”}
//The times you want your voc’s to increase the leveling up in skills. The “weaponmul = {“1”, “1”, “1”, “1”, “40”}” means no-voc, sorcs, druids, and paladins have normal club, axe, fist, and sword advance, and knights have a 40x normal tibia.
—how much points of life,mana,cap do you get when advancing {no-voc, sorcerer, druid, paladin, knight}
capgain = {“10”, “10”, “10”, “20”, “25”}
managain = {“5”, “30”, “30”, “15”, “5”}
hpgain = {“5”, “5”, “5”, “10”, “15”}
//Explains itself.
—how much faster do you recovery life,mana after eating food (1 – rl tibia)
healthtickmul = 5
manatickmul = 5
//Explains itself.
—do you want to enable cap system (yes/no)
capsystem = “no”
//Yes if you want a cap limit, No if not.
—do you want players to learn spells before they can use them (yes/no)
learnspells = “no”
//Yes to enable learn spell, no to disable.
—how much % of exp/skills/stuff do you lose when dying
diepercent = 7
//Explains itself.
—how many summons player can have
maxsummons = 2
//Explains itself.
—do you want to give summons for all vocations (yes/no)
summonsallvoc = “no”
//Explains itself.
—chance of losing a spear when shot (0 – none lost, 100000 – all lost)
spearlosechance = 50
//Explains itself.
—anti-afk – maximum idle time to kick player (1 = 1min)
kicktime = 15
//Explains itself.
—how many unjustified kills to get a red skull
redunjust = 3
//Explains itself
—how many unjustified kills to get banned
banunjust = 6
//Explains itself
—how long do you have white skull after killing player (1 = 1min)
whitetime = 15
//Explains itself
—how long do you have red skull (1 = 1min)
redtime = 6*60
//Explains itself
—how long do you have to wait to lose 1 unjustified kill (1 = 1min)
fragtime = 12*60
//Explains itself
—damage of burst arrows blast—default is from (1*lvl+5*mlvl)*0.24 to (1*lvl+5*mlvl)*0.55
burstarrowdmg = {“1.0”, “5.0”, “0.24”, “0.55”}
//The 1.0, 5.0, 0.24 and 0.55 are the numbers you see above. This means that a lvl 30 with mlvl 40 would do:
Mindamage: (1*30+5*40)*0.24 = 55.2 and maxdamage: (1*30+5*40)*0.55=126.5
Maybe you want to tweak this a bit.
Everything behind the ”//” are notes by me, this is what I have to tell about it. Read it carefully and follow my instructions where needed.
5. So far the config.lua. Save it and close it. We’ll need to go to data/accounts now.
We’re in the accounts folder. This is what you see:
Indeed, one mere file called 111111.xml.
Let’s open it and see what’s in then, well this is:
Okay, now we’re going to this line:
>and We’ll delete this part:
Well, now we edit the
Let’s return a bit, to this line:
We’ll change it to
Close it, after saving it, and change the name of 111111.xml
to {A}.xml
6. That’s the account folder. Go back one level to the data folder, and enter the players folder.
This is what you’ll see:
So we’re here with 2 files, GM Yurez.xml, and Yurez.xml.
We’ll start by deleting the second, Yurez.xml.
This leaves us with GM Yurez.xml. Try opening it.
You see this code:
Indeed, that’s a lot, but fortunately we only need the first part, this part:
Well, what to do. First of all we change
Now change
Maybe you want to change.
If you’re female though. And maybe you want to set your
To something higher, such as
If you do this, you’ll be able to create scripts which you can use, but acces 1 can’t.
Well, if you’d be so kind to save the file and close it…
Now we’ll rename the file GM Yurez, to {C}.
Anything else we need to change? Well, not right now! Congratiolations, you’re ready to go back 2 levels and run YurOTS.exe. (Number 6 on first image)
you’re done, all you need to do is connect to ip and log in, now you’re running around on your own server!
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Grecho's Knight Guide 1-80 In Tibia
It's rook damnit, we can't be arsed to move the character every half hour now do we?
How good exp? 1k/h
How good profit? 500gps/h
How much waste?
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Mace or a weapon with equal attack, a shield and some crappy armor
Notes: The first hour or so keep an extra eye when the waypoint enters the bugs place, cant be handled easily in lower levels but at level 5 or so the bot should run entirely by its own
8-12, Venore Swamp Trolls
Why? It's FACC, we don't have much choices but this place is nice..
HOW good exp? 3-5k/h
HOW good profit? Nothing much, you will have money for the fibula key but that is about it
How much waste? Just a few health pots
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Level 8, and the equipment you got from island of destiny
How do i get there? Follow the map
12-20, Fibula Rotworms
Why? Good exp for those low levels
HOW good exp? 5-8k/h
HOW good profit? Not alot but it's good for now
How much waste? Nothing, keep 2-3 health potions in the backpack just to be safe
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Level 12, Plate set and a weapon equal to Serpent Sword and a key that costs 800 gps, you can read more about it and how to get it here:
How do i get there? Follow the map
20-30, Kazordoon Dwarfs
Why? Nice exp, chance of iron ores and which generates big money
HOW good exp? 9-12k/h
HOW good profit? 700gps/h, iron ore if lucky
How much waste? Few health pots as always
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Level 20, Plate set and a bright sword or similar
How do i get there? Follow the map
30-50, Dworcs
Why? Loads of money, this is where you will get lots of your eq
HOW good exp? 18k/h - 22k/h
HOW good profit? You will need to go to depot every 2nd hour to deposit all the gold you made, so alot :P
How much waste? Basicly nothing, bring 1 bp mana, will last you forever
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Level 30 and decent weapon (armor doesnt matter)
How do i get there? Go to Port hope and follow the map
Notes: You will be getting ALOT of money here, get ready to deposit tibia gold and sell loot every 1.5-2.5h..
50-80, Frost Giants
In order to hunt/bot here you need to have done the barbarian test quest. You need to make some of the ice island quests aswell.
Why? Good exp, good profit, people hardly never comes there
HOW good exp? 33k/h on level 50, 48k/h on level 80
HOW good profit? In 2½ hours (time to get full cap) about 10k gold, 0-2 shards and 3-5 halberds.
How much waste? 1-2 bps mana potions for 2½ hours.
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Level 50 and decent skills like 70/70 for the top floors (Hunt on frost giants). Or 75 with good skills 75/75 for the lower floors (Frost giants perfect).
How do i get there? Go to Svargrond, take Buddels boat and ask to g to Tyrsung.
Hope you have fun plying Tibia !
How good exp? 1k/h
How good profit? 500gps/h
How much waste?
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Mace or a weapon with equal attack, a shield and some crappy armor
Notes: The first hour or so keep an extra eye when the waypoint enters the bugs place, cant be handled easily in lower levels but at level 5 or so the bot should run entirely by its own
8-12, Venore Swamp Trolls
Why? It's FACC, we don't have much choices but this place is nice..
HOW good exp? 3-5k/h
HOW good profit? Nothing much, you will have money for the fibula key but that is about it
How much waste? Just a few health pots
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Level 8, and the equipment you got from island of destiny
How do i get there? Follow the map
12-20, Fibula Rotworms
Why? Good exp for those low levels
HOW good exp? 5-8k/h
HOW good profit? Not alot but it's good for now
How much waste? Nothing, keep 2-3 health potions in the backpack just to be safe
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Level 12, Plate set and a weapon equal to Serpent Sword and a key that costs 800 gps, you can read more about it and how to get it here:
How do i get there? Follow the map
20-30, Kazordoon Dwarfs
Why? Nice exp, chance of iron ores and which generates big money
HOW good exp? 9-12k/h
HOW good profit? 700gps/h, iron ore if lucky
How much waste? Few health pots as always
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Level 20, Plate set and a bright sword or similar
How do i get there? Follow the map
30-50, Dworcs
Why? Loads of money, this is where you will get lots of your eq
HOW good exp? 18k/h - 22k/h
HOW good profit? You will need to go to depot every 2nd hour to deposit all the gold you made, so alot :P
How much waste? Basicly nothing, bring 1 bp mana, will last you forever
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Level 30 and decent weapon (armor doesnt matter)
How do i get there? Go to Port hope and follow the map
Notes: You will be getting ALOT of money here, get ready to deposit tibia gold and sell loot every 1.5-2.5h..
50-80, Frost Giants
In order to hunt/bot here you need to have done the barbarian test quest. You need to make some of the ice island quests aswell.
Why? Good exp, good profit, people hardly never comes there
HOW good exp? 33k/h on level 50, 48k/h on level 80
HOW good profit? In 2½ hours (time to get full cap) about 10k gold, 0-2 shards and 3-5 halberds.
How much waste? 1-2 bps mana potions for 2½ hours.
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Level 50 and decent skills like 70/70 for the top floors (Hunt on frost giants). Or 75 with good skills 75/75 for the lower floors (Frost giants perfect).
How do i get there? Go to Svargrond, take Buddels boat and ask to g to Tyrsung.
Hope you have fun plying Tibia !
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Tibia Guide
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
The Infamous Rookgaard - levels 1-8 With Playing Tibia
A Paladin to me is in the words of the great Xanadu himself, " Mostly a loan wolf". Give an experienced Paladin enough supplies and he can perform almost any task solo. A Paladin can block as good as a Knight with the noted exception of the Challenge Spell, but their shielding advances at the same rate. People actually say a good Paladin is a better blocker than a Knight for the simple fact they understand the shooters point of view and can heal for more. It's expensive with Arrows and Bolts in the beginning, leaving you to wonder when you'll actually make money. The answer is after level 40 and distance 70 you'll be an efficient enough killer.
My Two Cents
Try to keep in mind that I've played my entire career as a Premium player so I naturally neglected a free area guide for my obvious absents of experience in this field. I'm level 72 at the moment playing in the world of Premia. Always remember that panicking is the worst idea in stressful situations as well as tense moments, try to stay focused even in sudden death situation. You would be surprised to find out how often you can make it out alive by simple choices like healing instead of running or healing the blocker first and throwing on a Energy Ring giving you time to heal. A little advice is to always carry a few backpacks of Ultimate Healing Runes but mainly heal with magic to help your magic level. Using spells like Intense Healing instead of Ultimate Healing when possible saves money on mana fluids.
The Infamous Rookguard
(Levels 1-8)
This simple little venture can be as hard or as easy as you wish. The first time I visited this place it took me 8 days to get to Main but by the second time it took me all but 56 minutes. I usually sell Rats to Tom The Tanner to get some basic equipment and a Shovel, which is usually best, accompanied by a Rope but realistically they are a little expensive together. There is a Rope that spawns once a day at the Orc Spearmen single spawn in the Troll cave to the western Premium area across the bridge to the southern direction of All'Dees shop. It's usually a pretty good gamble to wander around the free area hunting spawns such as the Old House to the north of the free town and acquiring free equipment from the dead creatures that litter the cave floors. There are various quests at the holes and ladders in the Old House but be weary of lured creatures and traps set by people. There are is also a CHAIN ARMOR QUEST followed by the CARLIN SWORD QUEST to the north past some Minos in the lower levels of the Old House. It's easy enough to acquire Leather Pants in the shop along with a Wooden Shield or maybe a Leather Helmet. Buying Leather Armor isn't a bad investment in the beginning but quickly becomes outdated with the introduction of Chain Armor or Studded Armor. If you can make it to the Goblin cave in the western Premium area, it can make for some pretty decent experience if you have strong enough skills to kill them, also I would bring some food. Your weapon class in rook doesn't really matter seeing as you will be using your distance in Main and it advances faster with the choosing of a vocation in main, given that you chose the Paladin as your destiny. Using spears in Rookguard is a waste of time since it advances faster in Main and they are harder to obtain in Rookguard for the simple reason Trolls are slow to die. Simply get new equipment as fast as possible until you can successfully kill Trolls. Go visit the Oracle to choose your visit with the advancement of level 8.
Training and Magic Information
Training is like a burden that most people accept as a sort of coming with the territory. Training is always a advantage with the notable exception to doing so in Rookguard. There is no magical level to start training because the better your skills the faster you can level in a sense. With each skill earned your damage and accuracy increases which in turn gradually reduces your Bolt and Arrow usage making for a increased profit.
Now the fun comes with the wonderful task of picking up Spear after Spear after Spear for hour after hour. If you haven't guessed I was being sarcastic, training is really annoying but the good thing is all you really need is distance 70 for graduated hunting but distance 80 is what your shooting for being the ideal distance in my mind. Training is simple enough before distance 80. Get a nice Mage friend to summon a Monk or 2 and you buy a decent amount of Spear at least a few hundred along with plenty of food which in turn makes for a decent training experience. In Tibia all avatars can block only 2 opponents at a time (A exception to this is the Halloween Hare) so with this in mind think about it like this. If you attack the Monk it has a chance to block your attack alone, so if you where to lure 2 weak creatures to attack the Monk, it in a sense breaks the shielding leaving it open to your attack giving you a higher hit percentage which means more blood hits. From what I've heard but not tested, blood hits count for more towards a advance in distance fighting. The training is boring but it goes by fast and you might even grow interested in training because of the ease prompting you to continue on. At around distance 70 it becomes harder to train on Monks because you do much more damage and the Monk can't heal fast enough to negate the damage being delt. When you have enough mana also you can convince Dark Monks in the Dark Cathedral and use either Spears and even Throwing stones come in handy if you've collected enough. In Player Verse Player servers you can train with other people also. I would suggest a Paladin around your level or a higher level Knight. It's easier to train with a Paladin in my opinion since they use thier own powerful magic spells to heal. You should be ready to change your styles of fighting that include, defensive, balanced and full attack to reach a balanced form of damage dealt and recieved. Equipment has a lot to do with training also so be ready to change it around to suit yourself and your training buddy.
So what about shielding? I got my shielding up using a Ghoul because it was so much easier since it was on my time after I could convince them. When spears started breaking I begun using a sword to train with. It's not really a major need, but it's come in handy for me plenty of times blocking creatures. It's really nothing to carry a Demon Shield on you just incase the Knight dies because you may need to take on the role as blocker or make a hasty exit and being able to block extra damage can save your life. Having a shield is great when a high level Knight is attacking you with a weapon with 45+ attack. Keep mind healing is the number one priority.
Skill list
Blood and Spark % 1-30 (So figure anytime inbetween) Credits to Pskonejott for his skills calculator which I used for this list and you can find more detailed info at his website.
Skill------Total Time at 30%------Total Time at 1%
30-------52m--------------------1h 1m
40-------2h 28m-----------------2h 54m
50-------6h 35m-----------------7h 42m
60-------17h 9m-----------------20h 4m
70-------44h 17m----------------51h 50m
80-------113h 58m---------------133h 25m
(All times are a total so it's the new time plus the older time added together to make a total)
Magic level list
Magic level---Mana for advance--Time with Promotion--Time with Unpromoted
0-1----------1,600--------------40m-----------------53m 20s
1-2----------2,240--------------56m-----------------1h 14m 40s
2-3----------3,132--------------1h 18m 18s----------1h 44m 24s
3-4----------4,388--------------1h 49m 42s----------2h 26m 16s
4-5----------6,144--------------2h 33m 36s----------3h 24m 48s
5-6----------8,604--------------3h 35m 6s-----------4h 46m 48s
6-7----------12,042-------------5h 1m 6s------------6h 41m 28s
7-8----------16,864-------------7h 1m 36s-----------9h 22m 8s
8-9----------23,612-------------9h 50m 18s----------13h 7m 4s
9-10---------33,056-------------13h 46m 24s---------18h 21m 52s
10-11--------46,280-------------19h 17m-------------1d 1h 42m 40s
11-12--------64,792-------------1d 2h 59m 48s-------1d 11h 59m 44s
12-13--------90,708-------------1d 13h 47m 42s------2d 2h 23m 36s
13-14--------126,992------------2d 4h 54m 48s ------2d 22h 33m 4s
14-15 -------177,792------------3d 2h 4m 48s--------4d 2h 46m 24s
Hope this guide can give you some help when you are the newer to play Tibia game!
My Two Cents
Try to keep in mind that I've played my entire career as a Premium player so I naturally neglected a free area guide for my obvious absents of experience in this field. I'm level 72 at the moment playing in the world of Premia. Always remember that panicking is the worst idea in stressful situations as well as tense moments, try to stay focused even in sudden death situation. You would be surprised to find out how often you can make it out alive by simple choices like healing instead of running or healing the blocker first and throwing on a Energy Ring giving you time to heal. A little advice is to always carry a few backpacks of Ultimate Healing Runes but mainly heal with magic to help your magic level. Using spells like Intense Healing instead of Ultimate Healing when possible saves money on mana fluids.
The Infamous Rookguard
(Levels 1-8)
This simple little venture can be as hard or as easy as you wish. The first time I visited this place it took me 8 days to get to Main but by the second time it took me all but 56 minutes. I usually sell Rats to Tom The Tanner to get some basic equipment and a Shovel, which is usually best, accompanied by a Rope but realistically they are a little expensive together. There is a Rope that spawns once a day at the Orc Spearmen single spawn in the Troll cave to the western Premium area across the bridge to the southern direction of All'Dees shop. It's usually a pretty good gamble to wander around the free area hunting spawns such as the Old House to the north of the free town and acquiring free equipment from the dead creatures that litter the cave floors. There are various quests at the holes and ladders in the Old House but be weary of lured creatures and traps set by people. There are is also a CHAIN ARMOR QUEST followed by the CARLIN SWORD QUEST to the north past some Minos in the lower levels of the Old House. It's easy enough to acquire Leather Pants in the shop along with a Wooden Shield or maybe a Leather Helmet. Buying Leather Armor isn't a bad investment in the beginning but quickly becomes outdated with the introduction of Chain Armor or Studded Armor. If you can make it to the Goblin cave in the western Premium area, it can make for some pretty decent experience if you have strong enough skills to kill them, also I would bring some food. Your weapon class in rook doesn't really matter seeing as you will be using your distance in Main and it advances faster with the choosing of a vocation in main, given that you chose the Paladin as your destiny. Using spears in Rookguard is a waste of time since it advances faster in Main and they are harder to obtain in Rookguard for the simple reason Trolls are slow to die. Simply get new equipment as fast as possible until you can successfully kill Trolls. Go visit the Oracle to choose your visit with the advancement of level 8.
Training and Magic Information
Training is like a burden that most people accept as a sort of coming with the territory. Training is always a advantage with the notable exception to doing so in Rookguard. There is no magical level to start training because the better your skills the faster you can level in a sense. With each skill earned your damage and accuracy increases which in turn gradually reduces your Bolt and Arrow usage making for a increased profit.
Now the fun comes with the wonderful task of picking up Spear after Spear after Spear for hour after hour. If you haven't guessed I was being sarcastic, training is really annoying but the good thing is all you really need is distance 70 for graduated hunting but distance 80 is what your shooting for being the ideal distance in my mind. Training is simple enough before distance 80. Get a nice Mage friend to summon a Monk or 2 and you buy a decent amount of Spear at least a few hundred along with plenty of food which in turn makes for a decent training experience. In Tibia all avatars can block only 2 opponents at a time (A exception to this is the Halloween Hare) so with this in mind think about it like this. If you attack the Monk it has a chance to block your attack alone, so if you where to lure 2 weak creatures to attack the Monk, it in a sense breaks the shielding leaving it open to your attack giving you a higher hit percentage which means more blood hits. From what I've heard but not tested, blood hits count for more towards a advance in distance fighting. The training is boring but it goes by fast and you might even grow interested in training because of the ease prompting you to continue on. At around distance 70 it becomes harder to train on Monks because you do much more damage and the Monk can't heal fast enough to negate the damage being delt. When you have enough mana also you can convince Dark Monks in the Dark Cathedral and use either Spears and even Throwing stones come in handy if you've collected enough. In Player Verse Player servers you can train with other people also. I would suggest a Paladin around your level or a higher level Knight. It's easier to train with a Paladin in my opinion since they use thier own powerful magic spells to heal. You should be ready to change your styles of fighting that include, defensive, balanced and full attack to reach a balanced form of damage dealt and recieved. Equipment has a lot to do with training also so be ready to change it around to suit yourself and your training buddy.
So what about shielding? I got my shielding up using a Ghoul because it was so much easier since it was on my time after I could convince them. When spears started breaking I begun using a sword to train with. It's not really a major need, but it's come in handy for me plenty of times blocking creatures. It's really nothing to carry a Demon Shield on you just incase the Knight dies because you may need to take on the role as blocker or make a hasty exit and being able to block extra damage can save your life. Having a shield is great when a high level Knight is attacking you with a weapon with 45+ attack. Keep mind healing is the number one priority.
Skill list
Blood and Spark % 1-30 (So figure anytime inbetween) Credits to Pskonejott for his skills calculator which I used for this list and you can find more detailed info at his website.
Skill------Total Time at 30%------Total Time at 1%
30-------52m--------------------1h 1m
40-------2h 28m-----------------2h 54m
50-------6h 35m-----------------7h 42m
60-------17h 9m-----------------20h 4m
70-------44h 17m----------------51h 50m
80-------113h 58m---------------133h 25m
(All times are a total so it's the new time plus the older time added together to make a total)
Magic level list
Magic level---Mana for advance--Time with Promotion--Time with Unpromoted
0-1----------1,600--------------40m-----------------53m 20s
1-2----------2,240--------------56m-----------------1h 14m 40s
2-3----------3,132--------------1h 18m 18s----------1h 44m 24s
3-4----------4,388--------------1h 49m 42s----------2h 26m 16s
4-5----------6,144--------------2h 33m 36s----------3h 24m 48s
5-6----------8,604--------------3h 35m 6s-----------4h 46m 48s
6-7----------12,042-------------5h 1m 6s------------6h 41m 28s
7-8----------16,864-------------7h 1m 36s-----------9h 22m 8s
8-9----------23,612-------------9h 50m 18s----------13h 7m 4s
9-10---------33,056-------------13h 46m 24s---------18h 21m 52s
10-11--------46,280-------------19h 17m-------------1d 1h 42m 40s
11-12--------64,792-------------1d 2h 59m 48s-------1d 11h 59m 44s
12-13--------90,708-------------1d 13h 47m 42s------2d 2h 23m 36s
13-14--------126,992------------2d 4h 54m 48s ------2d 22h 33m 4s
14-15 -------177,792------------3d 2h 4m 48s--------4d 2h 46m 24s
Hope this guide can give you some help when you are the newer to play Tibia game!
Tibia Guild for Fast leveling
If you want to powergame, prepare to have bad magic level or prepare to use loads of resources to raise that magic level. This guide is for those who don't have a blocker, if you do just go hydras or whatever.
Level 8
Once you're out of rookgaard, go to edron, get a wand of vortex and go hunt some rotworms. Buy Light or Find person spell, and a cheap shield like dwarven shield. Use parcels or other blocking items to block the rotworms, so you don't get damaged too much. Make lootbags of swords and maces, and take all worms.
Level 12
At level 12, you should have enough money for energy strike. Your mana should heal faster than you use your wand, so use energy strike to kill rots faster.
Level 13
If there's a person selling the wand of dragonbreath for under shop price (1000gp), buy it, or just buy it from shop since it's not that much. Travel to darashia by carpet, buy intense healing (exura gran), and continue to hunt rotworms there. If there are people buying worms, sell yours, this is just a little way of getting more gold in the game.
Level 20
If you can get a team to desert quest, just join, otherwise don't waste your time, and continue to hunt and make lootbags. At this stage, you should have enough money, and try to buy the wand of cosmic energy beforehand.
Level 25
Buy a cheap weapon (Firesword/knight axe/dragon hammer on old worlds, spikesword/barbarian axe/clerical mace on new worlds), and buy the HMM spell. Hunt rotworms and make lootbags and HMMs. If you haven't bought the level 26 wand yet, just buy from npc shop.
Level 26
You should have finished the desert quest by now, if not, make a few more BPs of hmms and sell them, and get enough money for a promotion. If you also have the wand of cosmic energy, this is where you can start to level quicker. Go to a larva cave in ankrahmun, and bring your wand of cosmic energy and wand of dragonbreath. It will always take only 2 hits from the level 26 wand (larvas have 70 hp, and the wand has a minimum damage of 37), so it gives a very good mana:exp ratio. When your mana runs out, however, switch to your wand of dragonbreath, and once you have enough, switch back to the level 26 wand.
Level 28
You should get this stage relatively quickly and have quite a bit of money from the larvas. Try to buy the level 33 wand beforehand, and buy the firewave and summon creature spell...
Level 8
Once you're out of rookgaard, go to edron, get a wand of vortex and go hunt some rotworms. Buy Light or Find person spell, and a cheap shield like dwarven shield. Use parcels or other blocking items to block the rotworms, so you don't get damaged too much. Make lootbags of swords and maces, and take all worms.
Level 12
At level 12, you should have enough money for energy strike. Your mana should heal faster than you use your wand, so use energy strike to kill rots faster.
Level 13
If there's a person selling the wand of dragonbreath for under shop price (1000gp), buy it, or just buy it from shop since it's not that much. Travel to darashia by carpet, buy intense healing (exura gran), and continue to hunt rotworms there. If there are people buying worms, sell yours, this is just a little way of getting more gold in the game.
Level 20
If you can get a team to desert quest, just join, otherwise don't waste your time, and continue to hunt and make lootbags. At this stage, you should have enough money, and try to buy the wand of cosmic energy beforehand.
Level 25
Buy a cheap weapon (Firesword/knight axe/dragon hammer on old worlds, spikesword/barbarian axe/clerical mace on new worlds), and buy the HMM spell. Hunt rotworms and make lootbags and HMMs. If you haven't bought the level 26 wand yet, just buy from npc shop.
Level 26
You should have finished the desert quest by now, if not, make a few more BPs of hmms and sell them, and get enough money for a promotion. If you also have the wand of cosmic energy, this is where you can start to level quicker. Go to a larva cave in ankrahmun, and bring your wand of cosmic energy and wand of dragonbreath. It will always take only 2 hits from the level 26 wand (larvas have 70 hp, and the wand has a minimum damage of 37), so it gives a very good mana:exp ratio. When your mana runs out, however, switch to your wand of dragonbreath, and once you have enough, switch back to the level 26 wand.
Level 28
You should get this stage relatively quickly and have quite a bit of money from the larvas. Try to buy the level 33 wand beforehand, and buy the firewave and summon creature spell...
Monday, 2 November 2009
How to run a guild on Tibia
Starting a guild on a tibia server is easy,but keeping it together and organized takes skill and determination.A great guild is the core of a tibia server.The community is often run by one top guild,and a tibia guild is an important part of the dynamics of the game.If you are ready to run a guild on one of the most cut throat MMORPG's,learn step by step how to run a guild on a tibia server.
1. Before anything else,figure out your tibia guild's mission.In this game,each person will be forced to take on a role.You will be put in positions where it will be necessary to state your role in the tibia game community.Will the guild be a peaceful presents on the tibia server?Or will it be a war guild?Maybe just a guild to have fun,and explore out the role playing aspects of the game.Figure out your guild mission statement.
2. Next,based on your game play wishes,create a name for the guild.Having the right guild name can help create a sense of what the guild on tibia is about.
3. To create a guild on a tibia server,you must have 4 paid accounts,also known as a premium account.Three of the accounts will serve as vices,and yours will be the leader.Find people or close friends that have the same playing styles as your mission statement.
4. After creating the guild, you will need to recruit players to join. Recruiting can be done on the chat channels in the tibia game,or on tibia forums.
5. Create rules that each player in the guild must follow. As a guild leader it is important each person follow the rules.Without rules, a guild is chaos,and the guild will not last long.
6. Plan events and other activities the guild can do together. There are many things you can do in Tibia to help strengthen the guild and create a strong bond between members.
Hope this guide can give you some help in the tibia game!
1. Before anything else,figure out your tibia guild's mission.In this game,each person will be forced to take on a role.You will be put in positions where it will be necessary to state your role in the tibia game community.Will the guild be a peaceful presents on the tibia server?Or will it be a war guild?Maybe just a guild to have fun,and explore out the role playing aspects of the game.Figure out your guild mission statement.
2. Next,based on your game play wishes,create a name for the guild.Having the right guild name can help create a sense of what the guild on tibia is about.
3. To create a guild on a tibia server,you must have 4 paid accounts,also known as a premium account.Three of the accounts will serve as vices,and yours will be the leader.Find people or close friends that have the same playing styles as your mission statement.
4. After creating the guild, you will need to recruit players to join. Recruiting can be done on the chat channels in the tibia game,or on tibia forums.
5. Create rules that each player in the guild must follow. As a guild leader it is important each person follow the rules.Without rules, a guild is chaos,and the guild will not last long.
6. Plan events and other activities the guild can do together. There are many things you can do in Tibia to help strengthen the guild and create a strong bond between members.
Hope this guide can give you some help in the tibia game!
Five Reason To Play Tibia
Tibia is a very fun and massive multiplayer online role playing game??Œthis time ,I'd like to introduce how to start to play tibia:
To play Tibia you need to create an account first. Simply click on create account and follow the instructions. Once you have entered your email address and accepted all terms, your chosen account name will be displayed on the following page and a password will be sent to your email address. Memorise both the account name and the password carefully or write them down.
As a next step please download the client software and install it on your computer.
Once Tibia is installed you have to create your first character. Click on "Login" on the upper left hand side of the website and enter your account name and password. After pressing "Submit", you will see your account page. Scroll down to the character section and click on the button "Create character". Select your character's name, gender and the game world you want to play on.
Please make sure that you choose a name for your character that does not violate the Tibia Rules. Of course, you have to follow this code of conduct while playing and using our website at any time. Otherwise, you may be excluded from our game service.
For security reasons, you should now also register your account.
Now you are ready to start playing. Go to your windows desktop and double-click on the Tibia icon to start the game client. On the title screen simply click on "Enter Game". Once you have entered your account data a menu will be displayed. Double-click on the name of the character you have created. The client will now connect to the game server and your character can start his career as an adventurer. Please note that if too many players are online on the selected game world, you will have to wait a while before you can log in. The client will show your current position in the login queue and automatically try to log in your character after the displayed waiting period.
This is the just first introduction for you to start the Tibia ,hope it can give some help for tibia beginner playing!
To play Tibia you need to create an account first. Simply click on create account and follow the instructions. Once you have entered your email address and accepted all terms, your chosen account name will be displayed on the following page and a password will be sent to your email address. Memorise both the account name and the password carefully or write them down.
As a next step please download the client software and install it on your computer.
Once Tibia is installed you have to create your first character. Click on "Login" on the upper left hand side of the website and enter your account name and password. After pressing "Submit", you will see your account page. Scroll down to the character section and click on the button "Create character". Select your character's name, gender and the game world you want to play on.
Please make sure that you choose a name for your character that does not violate the Tibia Rules. Of course, you have to follow this code of conduct while playing and using our website at any time. Otherwise, you may be excluded from our game service.
For security reasons, you should now also register your account.
Now you are ready to start playing. Go to your windows desktop and double-click on the Tibia icon to start the game client. On the title screen simply click on "Enter Game". Once you have entered your account data a menu will be displayed. Double-click on the name of the character you have created. The client will now connect to the game server and your character can start his career as an adventurer. Please note that if too many players are online on the selected game world, you will have to wait a while before you can log in. The client will show your current position in the login queue and automatically try to log in your character after the displayed waiting period.
This is the just first introduction for you to start the Tibia ,hope it can give some help for tibia beginner playing!
Tibia Gold,
Tibia Guide,
Tibia Money,
Tibia Powerleveling
Main - levels 9-40 With Playing Tibia
Welcome to main an interesting place of arrival, full of many Quests, Puzzles and Mysteries to unravel. In my opinion it's best to be a Premium player when playing a Paladin for the simple reason there is a much broader creature class to hunt which is a key advantage since this vocation can kill almost anything solo with out much problem with the exceptions to the new creatures implemented like the boss's and even newer creatures in the more unknown parts.
Your first priority should be to buy either the Light Spell or the Find Person Spell, keep in mind that the Light Spell is outdated with implementation of ambient light. The update helped Paladin's since they couldn't hold light sources and had to resort to spells using magic points. I would personally start out in Darashia seeing as Paladin's can buy spells at the local magic shop located in central Darama and the Magic Carpet is moderately cheap. The particular none playable character your looking for is Razan. Your next move is really your choice as long as it involves trolls and assorted low-level creatures or training. Upgrading your equipment would also be a smart investment keeping in mind your only fighting Trolls so anything better than rook equipment will do fine. My suggestion is to go buy Scale Armor, do the BRASS LEGS QUEST, buy a Dwarven Shield, Scarf and maybe a Steel Helmet.
Edron is my place of choice with the Edron Trolls being a great source of free spears and a BRASS LEGS QUEST which is quite nice considering what your fighting. A decent distance to train to would be 60, since at this skill your accuracy is decent enough to start making a small profit at least enough to buy your supplies back with. Realistically I know no one likes picking up spear after spear all day, so 50 distance is good enough to start hunting with a Bow. At 50 distance you may or may not make a profit back using your Bow depending on what you hunt.
Arrows are your best choice at a low level seeing as they’re cheaper. The transition to Bolts is your choice but I wouldn't suggest doing so before distance 70 otherwise you might not be able to make enough profit to pay for your supplies, the bulk of the money being Bolts. It is entirely possible and not looked down upon to continue using Arrows because it can save a lot of money. I use a combination of both really with distance 85. Arrows for average creatures and Bolts for stronger creatures like Dragons or any type of group hunt because I want the most experience.
At some points after you reach level 20 you should begin thinking about getting a Promotion. A Promotion increase your magic and health regeneration as well as decrease your loss of experience from 10 percent to 7 percent of your total experience. A good idea is to save your money from the DESERT DUNGEON QUEST. This is a great investment but not your number one priority, the advantage I like is it speeds up your magic advances.
I would suggest settling down and hunting around until about level 40. This is a good time to start looking in to the Invisible Spell. Your magic level is extremely important though because it builds the foundation to the highly anticipated magic spell rune called Sudden Death. The Sudden Death Rune opens up the ability to hunt stronger creatures solo, which most Paladins including myself pride themselves.
Hunting Areas
(No point in telling you exactly where to hunt as that wouldn't be your choice so I just consolidated a list of a few places I personally have hunted at.)
GIANT SPIDER TOMB (Level 13 plus with at least 50 distance) <----(Money maker at lower levels)
Located under the large stone with the Giant Spider on it , to the far north of Ankrahmun or to the west of the ramp from Darashia.This tomb to me is ideal being as you get food from the Hyenas and the hardest creature you face is a Ghoul. With all the Skeleton's this makes for a perfect place to make a loot bag. Good idea to carry a parcel on you to send in town so you don't have to drag it to the depot and potentially thieves. Most of the second level is also prime hunting with the exception one of the north hallways which has a interesting room that includes a Mummy, Stalker, a Demon Skeleton and some more creatures if my memory servers me correctly.
PENINSULA TOMB (Level 13 plus with at least 50 distance) <----(Money maker at lower levels)
Located to the southwest of Ankrahmun on a little Peninsula near the water. The idea is to clear the first level clearing the southern most portions and the eastern most portions. To the north there is a Scarab spawn which can prove sticky at this level but possible. Not sure what’s over to the far left but if my memory serves me correctly it might be a Mummy and Demon Skeleton spawn.
MOUNT STERNUM (Level 15 plus with at least 55 distance)
Located to the northeast of Thais, this is home to a decent spawn of Cyclops's above the ground up ramps and down a ladder on the far side of the mountain. When hunting and luring the Cyclops's make sure not to get trapped by a wall or maybe another player trying to kill you. Not a bad place to hunt at a low level if it's not full of low levels. A nice Ghoul spawn is at the bottom as well as a complex system of caves that connect to Kazordoon Mines. Be weary exploring the areas past the Ghoul hole as a Giant Spider roams the caves and a single Fire Elementle spawn. There is also a single spawn Dwarf Geomancer protected by a Dwarf Guard.
GRAVEYARD (Level 15 plus with at least 55 distance) <----(Decent money maker)
An old hunting spot located below the Necromancer House in the Plains of Havoc. If it hasn't changed then it should be full of Ghouls, Skeletons and a few Demon Skeletons. The combination makes for decent loot, or it use to at least being one of the prime spots to power game a new Paladin in a new world. The loan problem is your must drag your loot bag to parcel it, either to the Outlaw Camp or all the way to a town.
DWARF SOLDIERS (Level 20 plus with at least 55 distance) <----(Decent money maker)
Located to the south of Fermur hills, there usually a few levels down. They are sometimes accompanied by Dwarf Guards so be careful. A group of them can kill you fast seeing as you have no shield and also they use bolts as a distance attack. Careful dragging your loot as a lot of bags litter the ground making it easy to loose your loot.
DWORCS (Level 25 plus with at least 60 distance) <----(Money maker)
Located to the far south of Port Hope with holes littering the ground but hidden. So you wonder why Dworcs? The reason is Dworcs are easy with good money and a low chance of dieing. I'm not suggesting you do what I did but I had 40 swording and I could one hit them with a Bright Sword giving me all gain at no loss. I got my shielding up using a Ghoul because it was so much easier since it was on my time after I could convince them. It's also decent experience at around 20K a hour. The strange little items they drop are worth their weight in gold ranging from 250gp to 750gp. They also drop a rare dress called a Bask Skirt which is part of the Sweaty Cyclops Quest in Ab'dendriel for the OBSIDEN KNIFE QUEST. If I didn't have 40 swording I would have to advise you to drag some arrows there and kill them collecting the throwing knifes and using them, keeping your expenses down. With that said I would suggest killing the Voodoo Masters first after acquiring some Dwarven Rings because the Voodoo Masters cast Paralyze, Poison and make you Drunk. Your going to be Poisoned around 99 percent of the time so no use in curing it, might as well save it to use Intense Healing unless the Poison is from a Voodoo Master which is around 4-5 damage.
PLAINS OF HAVOC CYCLOPS (Level 30 plus with 70 distance)
The Cyclops's in the Plains of Havoc make for a nice bit of experience. To the south are roaming undead creatures including Ghouls, Demon Skeletons and Skeletons. There are Orcs to the farther south and also Hunters. The worst of your worries is the infamous Giant Spider spawns scattered below the Cyclops's, so be careful. There is a ramp in the Cyclops camp that leads down a hole with a lot of Minotaur class creatures along with Cyclops's. A daily weapon spawn is located in this cave so you can take advantage and make some free money. If you should go for the spawn I would suggest going invisible, seeing as going down and running is nearly impossible and will lead to a loss of profit through healing.
(Beware of the Minotaur Archers and encampment of Minotaur on your way down)
MINTWALLEN (Level 30 plus with at least 65 distance) <----(Biggest money maker)
Located in the Old Temple to the north of Thais. You must walk a through a long complex tunnel and past Poisen Fields or a single Dragon spawn.The hardest part about hunting in this place is actually being able to get the spawn since everyone always wants to hunt there. The initial spawn at the front gate can be a bit tricky with the Minotaur Archers, Minotaurs and Minotaur Mages, accompanied by Minotaur Guards all at one time which can make for a rude awakening if you rush in. The idea is to lure as few Minotaurs as possible from the entrance back down to the bridge. You can rope the Minotaur Mages up at the front gate to the third level and not have to worry about them. If you can find the keys displaced around the town you can lure the Minotaur Mages up the stairs in Thrown Room to the ledge outside or the tower to the south of the room. If you haven't done the POSTMANS QUEST don't say anything to Markwin the guy that looks like a Minotaur mage, because he summons alot of different Minotaurs at once which is part of the quest. (Bring some food or a Fishing Rod and Worms, also if possible get a Obsiden Knife seeing as Minotaur Leather can sell for a decent amount in bulk)
CYCROPOLIS (Level 30 plus with at least 65 distance) <----(Decent money maker)
Located to the northeast of Edron, Cycropolis hence the name is full of Cyclops's as well as other interesting creatures like Dwarf Guards and Dwarf Soldiers. A collection of Orcs is located on the first floor to the far northeastern corner as well as a assortment Elf Arcanist and Elf Scouts so I wouldn't suggest exploring this area. The first level is easy if you can get past the stairs at the beginning, which can be tricky, so bring a few Great Fireball Runes to clean the Cyclops's and the 3 Dwarf Soldier's complete with a Dwarf Guard. (Side note careful wandering in the forest as there is a Hunter camp to the northwest of the trail to Cycropolis)
HEROS (Level 35 plus with at least 70 distance) <----(Possible tibia money maker)
Located to the north western parts of northern Edron, it's to the north of Edron 9 spawn Dragons. One of the hardest parts about Hero’s is actually making it to them. A hunters camp guards the entrance to begin with followed by Demon Skeletons, Priestesses, more hunters, Beholders, Monks and finally a 3 spawn Dragon. I would suggest 2-3 shooters and a blocker around level 40. You could also take some Explosion Runes for sticky situations on entry and exits. An idea that also works is going Invisible with the spell or ring then casting hast to run past all the creatures except the dragons. There is a 1 spawn and a 2 spawn Hero along with groups scattered across rooms off to the side of the hallway to the Annihilator where it’s possible to rope them up.
(Make sure to bring food, as it’s a little scarce down here)
Your first priority should be to buy either the Light Spell or the Find Person Spell, keep in mind that the Light Spell is outdated with implementation of ambient light. The update helped Paladin's since they couldn't hold light sources and had to resort to spells using magic points. I would personally start out in Darashia seeing as Paladin's can buy spells at the local magic shop located in central Darama and the Magic Carpet is moderately cheap. The particular none playable character your looking for is Razan. Your next move is really your choice as long as it involves trolls and assorted low-level creatures or training. Upgrading your equipment would also be a smart investment keeping in mind your only fighting Trolls so anything better than rook equipment will do fine. My suggestion is to go buy Scale Armor, do the BRASS LEGS QUEST, buy a Dwarven Shield, Scarf and maybe a Steel Helmet.
Edron is my place of choice with the Edron Trolls being a great source of free spears and a BRASS LEGS QUEST which is quite nice considering what your fighting. A decent distance to train to would be 60, since at this skill your accuracy is decent enough to start making a small profit at least enough to buy your supplies back with. Realistically I know no one likes picking up spear after spear all day, so 50 distance is good enough to start hunting with a Bow. At 50 distance you may or may not make a profit back using your Bow depending on what you hunt.
Arrows are your best choice at a low level seeing as they’re cheaper. The transition to Bolts is your choice but I wouldn't suggest doing so before distance 70 otherwise you might not be able to make enough profit to pay for your supplies, the bulk of the money being Bolts. It is entirely possible and not looked down upon to continue using Arrows because it can save a lot of money. I use a combination of both really with distance 85. Arrows for average creatures and Bolts for stronger creatures like Dragons or any type of group hunt because I want the most experience.
At some points after you reach level 20 you should begin thinking about getting a Promotion. A Promotion increase your magic and health regeneration as well as decrease your loss of experience from 10 percent to 7 percent of your total experience. A good idea is to save your money from the DESERT DUNGEON QUEST. This is a great investment but not your number one priority, the advantage I like is it speeds up your magic advances.
I would suggest settling down and hunting around until about level 40. This is a good time to start looking in to the Invisible Spell. Your magic level is extremely important though because it builds the foundation to the highly anticipated magic spell rune called Sudden Death. The Sudden Death Rune opens up the ability to hunt stronger creatures solo, which most Paladins including myself pride themselves.
Hunting Areas
(No point in telling you exactly where to hunt as that wouldn't be your choice so I just consolidated a list of a few places I personally have hunted at.)
GIANT SPIDER TOMB (Level 13 plus with at least 50 distance) <----(Money maker at lower levels)
Located under the large stone with the Giant Spider on it , to the far north of Ankrahmun or to the west of the ramp from Darashia.This tomb to me is ideal being as you get food from the Hyenas and the hardest creature you face is a Ghoul. With all the Skeleton's this makes for a perfect place to make a loot bag. Good idea to carry a parcel on you to send in town so you don't have to drag it to the depot and potentially thieves. Most of the second level is also prime hunting with the exception one of the north hallways which has a interesting room that includes a Mummy, Stalker, a Demon Skeleton and some more creatures if my memory servers me correctly.
PENINSULA TOMB (Level 13 plus with at least 50 distance) <----(Money maker at lower levels)
Located to the southwest of Ankrahmun on a little Peninsula near the water. The idea is to clear the first level clearing the southern most portions and the eastern most portions. To the north there is a Scarab spawn which can prove sticky at this level but possible. Not sure what’s over to the far left but if my memory serves me correctly it might be a Mummy and Demon Skeleton spawn.
MOUNT STERNUM (Level 15 plus with at least 55 distance)
Located to the northeast of Thais, this is home to a decent spawn of Cyclops's above the ground up ramps and down a ladder on the far side of the mountain. When hunting and luring the Cyclops's make sure not to get trapped by a wall or maybe another player trying to kill you. Not a bad place to hunt at a low level if it's not full of low levels. A nice Ghoul spawn is at the bottom as well as a complex system of caves that connect to Kazordoon Mines. Be weary exploring the areas past the Ghoul hole as a Giant Spider roams the caves and a single Fire Elementle spawn. There is also a single spawn Dwarf Geomancer protected by a Dwarf Guard.
GRAVEYARD (Level 15 plus with at least 55 distance) <----(Decent money maker)
An old hunting spot located below the Necromancer House in the Plains of Havoc. If it hasn't changed then it should be full of Ghouls, Skeletons and a few Demon Skeletons. The combination makes for decent loot, or it use to at least being one of the prime spots to power game a new Paladin in a new world. The loan problem is your must drag your loot bag to parcel it, either to the Outlaw Camp or all the way to a town.
DWARF SOLDIERS (Level 20 plus with at least 55 distance) <----(Decent money maker)
Located to the south of Fermur hills, there usually a few levels down. They are sometimes accompanied by Dwarf Guards so be careful. A group of them can kill you fast seeing as you have no shield and also they use bolts as a distance attack. Careful dragging your loot as a lot of bags litter the ground making it easy to loose your loot.
DWORCS (Level 25 plus with at least 60 distance) <----(Money maker)
Located to the far south of Port Hope with holes littering the ground but hidden. So you wonder why Dworcs? The reason is Dworcs are easy with good money and a low chance of dieing. I'm not suggesting you do what I did but I had 40 swording and I could one hit them with a Bright Sword giving me all gain at no loss. I got my shielding up using a Ghoul because it was so much easier since it was on my time after I could convince them. It's also decent experience at around 20K a hour. The strange little items they drop are worth their weight in gold ranging from 250gp to 750gp. They also drop a rare dress called a Bask Skirt which is part of the Sweaty Cyclops Quest in Ab'dendriel for the OBSIDEN KNIFE QUEST. If I didn't have 40 swording I would have to advise you to drag some arrows there and kill them collecting the throwing knifes and using them, keeping your expenses down. With that said I would suggest killing the Voodoo Masters first after acquiring some Dwarven Rings because the Voodoo Masters cast Paralyze, Poison and make you Drunk. Your going to be Poisoned around 99 percent of the time so no use in curing it, might as well save it to use Intense Healing unless the Poison is from a Voodoo Master which is around 4-5 damage.
PLAINS OF HAVOC CYCLOPS (Level 30 plus with 70 distance)
The Cyclops's in the Plains of Havoc make for a nice bit of experience. To the south are roaming undead creatures including Ghouls, Demon Skeletons and Skeletons. There are Orcs to the farther south and also Hunters. The worst of your worries is the infamous Giant Spider spawns scattered below the Cyclops's, so be careful. There is a ramp in the Cyclops camp that leads down a hole with a lot of Minotaur class creatures along with Cyclops's. A daily weapon spawn is located in this cave so you can take advantage and make some free money. If you should go for the spawn I would suggest going invisible, seeing as going down and running is nearly impossible and will lead to a loss of profit through healing.
(Beware of the Minotaur Archers and encampment of Minotaur on your way down)
MINTWALLEN (Level 30 plus with at least 65 distance) <----(Biggest money maker)
Located in the Old Temple to the north of Thais. You must walk a through a long complex tunnel and past Poisen Fields or a single Dragon spawn.The hardest part about hunting in this place is actually being able to get the spawn since everyone always wants to hunt there. The initial spawn at the front gate can be a bit tricky with the Minotaur Archers, Minotaurs and Minotaur Mages, accompanied by Minotaur Guards all at one time which can make for a rude awakening if you rush in. The idea is to lure as few Minotaurs as possible from the entrance back down to the bridge. You can rope the Minotaur Mages up at the front gate to the third level and not have to worry about them. If you can find the keys displaced around the town you can lure the Minotaur Mages up the stairs in Thrown Room to the ledge outside or the tower to the south of the room. If you haven't done the POSTMANS QUEST don't say anything to Markwin the guy that looks like a Minotaur mage, because he summons alot of different Minotaurs at once which is part of the quest. (Bring some food or a Fishing Rod and Worms, also if possible get a Obsiden Knife seeing as Minotaur Leather can sell for a decent amount in bulk)
CYCROPOLIS (Level 30 plus with at least 65 distance) <----(Decent money maker)
Located to the northeast of Edron, Cycropolis hence the name is full of Cyclops's as well as other interesting creatures like Dwarf Guards and Dwarf Soldiers. A collection of Orcs is located on the first floor to the far northeastern corner as well as a assortment Elf Arcanist and Elf Scouts so I wouldn't suggest exploring this area. The first level is easy if you can get past the stairs at the beginning, which can be tricky, so bring a few Great Fireball Runes to clean the Cyclops's and the 3 Dwarf Soldier's complete with a Dwarf Guard. (Side note careful wandering in the forest as there is a Hunter camp to the northwest of the trail to Cycropolis)
HEROS (Level 35 plus with at least 70 distance) <----(Possible tibia money maker)
Located to the north western parts of northern Edron, it's to the north of Edron 9 spawn Dragons. One of the hardest parts about Hero’s is actually making it to them. A hunters camp guards the entrance to begin with followed by Demon Skeletons, Priestesses, more hunters, Beholders, Monks and finally a 3 spawn Dragon. I would suggest 2-3 shooters and a blocker around level 40. You could also take some Explosion Runes for sticky situations on entry and exits. An idea that also works is going Invisible with the spell or ring then casting hast to run past all the creatures except the dragons. There is a 1 spawn and a 2 spawn Hero along with groups scattered across rooms off to the side of the hallway to the Annihilator where it’s possible to rope them up.
(Make sure to bring food, as it’s a little scarce down here)
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Tibia Guide
When you are playing tibia game ,you would have very likely seen online guides for Tibia. The amount of available Tibia guides is staggering, as every website seems to offer some new Tibia guides on how to play your favorite game. But the truth is, most of these Tibia guides are simply rehashed versions of other Tibia guides located elsewhere. At MmorpGuides, only the best Tibia guides and Tibia information is available for the Tibia player to peruse, as there simply is no point in publishing a second hand or rehashed guide for the user when better information can be found elsewhere. With this dedication to a specific genre, it is a simple matter to provide the best Tibia guides and information to your favorite Tibia server as well as any number of other games online.
Taking the time to study a Tibia guide before even beginning to play the game can save you a tremendous amount of time and allow you to receive more XP, loot and just plain have more fun overall while playing Tibia online. Utilizing these Tibia guides is a simple matter of logging on and looking up your favorite game and learning more information about how to go about gaining XP and loot.
It is important to realize that not all Tibia guides are based on the same styles of play. Some Tibia guides are specifically for those who wish to grind on certain skills such as cooking or tailoring, while other guides are intended just for XP grinding, where the player simply kills monsters again and again for experience points.
Utilizing these Tibia guides is a smart move by the serious Tibia player and can save a tremendous amount of time in the long run.
Taking the time to study a Tibia guide before even beginning to play the game can save you a tremendous amount of time and allow you to receive more XP, loot and just plain have more fun overall while playing Tibia online. Utilizing these Tibia guides is a simple matter of logging on and looking up your favorite game and learning more information about how to go about gaining XP and loot.
It is important to realize that not all Tibia guides are based on the same styles of play. Some Tibia guides are specifically for those who wish to grind on certain skills such as cooking or tailoring, while other guides are intended just for XP grinding, where the player simply kills monsters again and again for experience points.
Utilizing these Tibia guides is a smart move by the serious Tibia player and can save a tremendous amount of time in the long run.
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Tibia Player Guide - death
Characters that die lose a certain amount of their experience points. Characters up to level 23 lose 10% of
Finally, characters that die have a chance of dropping items. This chance is 10% per equipped item, however,immortal. However, this does not mean that dying does not matter at all in the game, nor is death desirable.
their total experience points. Starting at level 24, the total percentage that is lost tibia platinum is declining and is
5 blessings = 100%lose all equipment whenever they die.Skill Loss
2 blessings = 55% skill again.
A character that dies will suffer the following penalties:
more, starting with losing 1 level for a character at level 50. A character at level 100 will lose 1,5 level
level advancements are calculated. If your character was close to an advancement in a given skill when he
If a character is promoted, the total amount of lost experience points is lowered by 30%. Moreover, your
of their home city safe and sound, so even though it is possible for characters to die they are in fact
Similar to experience loss, skill loss will be reduced if a character is promoted or if he has received one
poison or other harmful effects they lose hit points. Characters whose hit points drop to zero die.
In addition to the loss of experience points, a character’s skills will also be reduced on dying. However,
upon death, at level 150 2 levels, at level 180 character 2,3 levels, at level 200 2,5 levels etc.
containers such as bags or backpacks will always be dropped along with their contents. By buying blessings,
Experience Loss
this does not necessarily mean that your character will lose levels in every skill because of the way skill
or moretibia gold blessings.
A character with all 5 blessings will neither lose its backpack nor any other equipment it is wearing.
However, in Tibia, death is not the end. Characters that have died will always be returned to the temple
player who happens to find it. In case a character has lost its bag or backpack after death, it will
Each blessing will reduce the loss by 8%, so promoted characters that have buy tibia platinum received all 5 blessings will
receive an empty bag in the container slot.
Characters that do not have all blessings, can also protect all items in their character slots by an item
easier explained by the number of levels that are lost. Every 50 levels, a character loses half a level
character can also collect blessings in the game which will further reduce the loss of experience points.
characters reduce their chance to lose equipment by the cheap tibia gold following percentages:
unless your character is marked with a red skull. Characters that are marked with a red skull will always
Item Loss
called the “Amulet of Loss” which will effectively prevent your character from dropping any item upon death
died, he may actually not lose a skill level at all, although he will take much longer to buy tibia gold advance in that
4 blessings = 90%
3 blessings = 75%
lower their total experience point loss by 70%.
Each character has a limited amount of hit points. Whenever characters take damage through weapon attacks,
1 blessing = 30%
Any items lost upon death will remain with the body of the deceased character and can be looted by any
Finally, characters that die have a chance of dropping items. This chance is 10% per equipped item, however,immortal. However, this does not mean that dying does not matter at all in the game, nor is death desirable.
their total experience points. Starting at level 24, the total percentage that is lost tibia platinum is declining and is
5 blessings = 100%lose all equipment whenever they die.Skill Loss
2 blessings = 55% skill again.
A character that dies will suffer the following penalties:
more, starting with losing 1 level for a character at level 50. A character at level 100 will lose 1,5 level
level advancements are calculated. If your character was close to an advancement in a given skill when he
If a character is promoted, the total amount of lost experience points is lowered by 30%. Moreover, your
of their home city safe and sound, so even though it is possible for characters to die they are in fact
Similar to experience loss, skill loss will be reduced if a character is promoted or if he has received one
poison or other harmful effects they lose hit points. Characters whose hit points drop to zero die.
In addition to the loss of experience points, a character’s skills will also be reduced on dying. However,
upon death, at level 150 2 levels, at level 180 character 2,3 levels, at level 200 2,5 levels etc.
containers such as bags or backpacks will always be dropped along with their contents. By buying blessings,
Experience Loss
this does not necessarily mean that your character will lose levels in every skill because of the way skill
or moretibia gold blessings.
A character with all 5 blessings will neither lose its backpack nor any other equipment it is wearing.
However, in Tibia, death is not the end. Characters that have died will always be returned to the temple
player who happens to find it. In case a character has lost its bag or backpack after death, it will
Each blessing will reduce the loss by 8%, so promoted characters that have buy tibia platinum received all 5 blessings will
receive an empty bag in the container slot.
Characters that do not have all blessings, can also protect all items in their character slots by an item
easier explained by the number of levels that are lost. Every 50 levels, a character loses half a level
character can also collect blessings in the game which will further reduce the loss of experience points.
characters reduce their chance to lose equipment by the cheap tibia gold following percentages:
unless your character is marked with a red skull. Characters that are marked with a red skull will always
Item Loss
called the “Amulet of Loss” which will effectively prevent your character from dropping any item upon death
died, he may actually not lose a skill level at all, although he will take much longer to buy tibia gold advance in that
4 blessings = 90%
3 blessings = 75%
lower their total experience point loss by 70%.
Each character has a limited amount of hit points. Whenever characters take damage through weapon attacks,
1 blessing = 30%
Any items lost upon death will remain with the body of the deceased character and can be looted by any
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