Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Tibia Basic Controls

Most actions in Tibia are controlled through so-called "context menus". Context menus are small sub-windows that open up whenever you right-click on a character or on an item. A number of actions will be displayed. To pick one select it by using the mouse pointer and click on the left mouse button to confirm.

To the left you can see a typical context menu. You can choose to look at, use, follow or even attack the selected creature. Also, you can copy the selected creature's name and paste it by using the key combination Ctrl+V.

Note: The keys shown in brackets behind certain actions indicate shortcuts you can use to speed up controls. For instance, holding down the Shift key while left-clicking on an item will cause your character to look at it, and clicking on an item while pressing the Ctrl key while make him use an item.

Set Character Outfit

The setting of character outfits is a typical example for an action that is performed by using a context menu. You can change your character outfits anytime. Just open the context menu by right-clicking on your character and select "Set Outfit". You can choose your favourite outfit from 4 different figures. Also, you can customise characters even further by painting individual body parts with the colour of your choice.

Note that premium players may choose from 11 rather than from 4 character skins. 10 further character outfits are available to premium players after solving quests. An additional wedding outfit is available for all married characters, no matter if on a premium or free account.

Premium players are also able to earn additional accessories for their outfits. Each outfit can be upgraded further by activating 2 so-called addons. Ask NPCs for further information.

If you have chosen a premium skin and your premium time ends, your character will wear the citizen outfit at the next log into the game. Also all addons you might have earned will be suspended until you get more premium time.

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Sunday, 27 December 2009

Tibia guide For Sorcerer level to 160 fast

This Guide is for Sorcerer level to get high quickly ,thank you for reading ,hope it can gives you some help:Level 1- 8You start off at temple, head north of the Tanner's shop to do the Doublet quest quickly kill the rat there and return to the main plaza, get down the sewer and continue underground to find the rapier inside the rats' caveAfter this, you should head off to the premmium lands, Killing spiders will get you to level 4 in less than 10 minutes. If you have no main or no equipment on the server, I suggest you go to the premmium rats, located on the premmium side "general" store and buy a shield. The next step is to hunt wolves, snakes, and the mountain troll until you reach level 8. (Of course this is a quick, yet unprofitable way of getting out of rook)EXTRA: Getting more money on RookgardPlanning to leave rookgard with enough gold to survive on Main but you do not know how to do it? Well, it is easy, If you are around level 6 or more, you could kill the skeletons in the premmium land, selling the maces, hatchets, shield they drop to the NPCs or any other player. Depositing the gold in the bank is a good idea to save you from unexpected deaths.Levels 8-15(Equipment: Newbie set, Wand , 25 Def + Shield)This levels have a lot of ways of being accomplished, my personal way is easy. When the oracle/gatekeeper asks you which city you would like to live in, Choose Darashia... When you arrive at main, quickly post offers in the trade chat for a newbie set (Scale Armor, Brass Legs, Dark or Steel Helmet, Dwarven shield) This would do fair and square throughout the first levels. If you are short on cash, or you already have the equipment necessary go to the Mage's guild and get the free wand of vortex. After this head north of Darashia's city up to the Dark Pyramid in which Minotaurs live. You can have the first, second and third floor here, Only minotaurs, creating lootbags for money and fishing for health. (Do not go down because then you will encounter Minotaur Guards who will probably just give you a free-ticket to the temple). Dark pyramid will get fairly easy when you get level 9, Buy the "Light healing spell" and continue hunting here, or the first underground level of the Rotworm caves in darashia, Which give excellent Xp/Gp ratio for a low level. Remember to use full defense and always look for upgrades in your Armor/WeaponLevels 15-25(Equipment: Plate set, Wand / 2handed weapon, 26+ Shield)This levels are taken easily too, By the time you get level 15, You would have enough cash to get a Plate set, Crown helmet, and a fairly decent shield. Take your favorite wand off to Ankrahmun's larvas and start hunting there. Full defense, looting Gps and eating the meat they give shall get you to 25 in no-time. The damage taken is "medium-low" Just try not to get swarmed and cornered by the larvas and you'll do fine.Levels 25-28(Equipment: Plate set, Wand / 2handed weapon, 27 def + Shield)Getting this levels should be easy, you may continue on larvas making some HMM's while hunting, Or go to the GS tomb with a two-handed weapon for more experience.Levels 28-40(Equipment: Plate set, Wand / 2handed weapon, 27 def + Shield)To get this levels may seem a little boring and tedious but well, it is a part of the game.There are many ways to achieve experience and gold at the same time, I'll post some.Summoning 2 demon skeletons at the Edron Dragon Lair spot is nice, With some Bp's of IH you could have bought by selling the HMM's you made while on larvas or GS tomb, may keep you there until level 30 or even more. Loot is "average-low" and experience is "fair"Second way is to keep hunting larvas or hunting at the GS tomb, this will take more time but less waste in moneyExperience is "fair" and money is "average-good"Third way is a little more dangerous since the mages do not have a lot of HP this may seem like suicide for many, but some experienced players can do this if they can afford it. Exori vising plus wand on cyclopolis will get you "good" experience and "nice" money, this may be dangerous because of lured monsters, however if you want to do it the safe way, you may summon 2 monks and get half the experience and some tedious monk-pushing sessionDon't forget to make lootbags of the weapons and stuff dropped by many monsters in cyclopolis. They are sure worth something and they will repay the mana fluids usedLevel 40-65(Equipment: Crown helmet, Blue robe, Plate legs, BoH, Wand / 2handed, 31+ Def shield)If you have a blocker, this should be easy, Go hunting hydras, with a lot of manafluids and you're preferred wand, the knight should block the middle single-spawn while you summon 2 demon skeletons and exori vis the hydra while hitting on the wand. This is "high" experience and "very nice" money for the blocker who in a given case will share the loot with you.If you do not have a blocker or prefer to hunt alone, this will take you more time but it may give you the same profit.Get manafluids, a lot of them, and go hunting Dwarf guards with Wand + Vis at the Kazordoon Mace or Mines, Make lootbags and Keep an UH backpack just in case. (Some GFBS would come in handy if trapped)Another way but even more dangerous (Reccomended level 50+ ) Is to hunt at tarpits with the same strategy than Dwarf Guards with the most powerfull wand and mana fluids to vis vampires, bonebeasts, cryptshamblers, mummies, demon skeletons. "Excellent" experience but "fair" money. It would be suggested to have around magic level 50 before doing this, since at level 50 magic 50+ the vis would do an average of 112 hitpoints per hit and you could easily hunt at tar pits with a BP of UH and GFB for emergencies and around 13 bps of manafluids per level. *Note* this is an estimate and it depends on mostly your skills with vising and hunting manually, by the way, bring a lot of food since none of the monsters on the 3rd floor drops eating items*Levels 65-100 (Equipment: Royal Helmet, Blue robe, C legs, BoH, Wand of Cosmic Energy and Demon shield)By this levels you should have around 20k cash in bank, since now you will hunt the most profitable and "excellent" experience given monster to mid-high levels, Dragon lords. The basics of this hunt is to mana shield while exori vising the dragon lords on the venore underground spawn, hitting with wand, and using 2 DS if you are not so skilled with VIS....Exp given is "excellent" and loot by the time you waste the 20k of mfs will be repaid around 10x.... So you may hunt this until level 85-90*Note* Of course you may hunt in parties at Hydras, with one blocker, this is good experience too. Dwarf guards and Tar pits are still useful until level 85 +/-Levels 85-104(Equipment; Royal Helmet, Blue Robe, Crown or Golden legs, Wand and MMS or Demon shield)This levels should be the powergaming ones, since in level 104 you can solo warlocks now. But for now, Try to hunt DLs same styling as in the above explanation without DS, Dwarf guards for cash (easy at this levels), Tarpits will be a medium difficult but experience will not be as good as before. Thus try to stick to DLS and party hunts... This will get you bored from time to time since by level 90 this is not exciting anymore...However when you get level 104 things will get a lot more excitingLevels 104-160(Equipment: Best Mage set you can earn )This way is so easy you will get bored often, so I suggest you get some good music or things to do while in "hunt-breaks". So the thing is, get the most manafluids you can, 2 backpacks of SD and 4 backpacks of UH (emergencies), and go to Demona warlocks, this will get you around 1.8kk experience a day if you do it good enough, however, loot may vary from day to day... So I suggest having a vast amount of cash in bank.The strategy is to take a single warlock into a corner while in levels 104-120 into a corner and exori mort it until death, healing at around 600 HP with exura gran. Then after levels 120+ you may follow this strategy without caring "that" much.Another strategy is to solo hydras with exori vis + wand...This will not be the same experience but it will give the money needed to repay each hunt. It will take longer but it is way a lot safer.Want to get superior tibia gold for your character ,welcome you go to our website buy tibia money and Tibia power leveling for your character,you can get cheapest price and best serve,very trusted!

Saturday, 26 December 2009

Druids & Sorcerers leveling guide In Tibia

Druids & Sorcerers leveling guide is for sorcerers and druids and not premium, select 1 of these two when you go to the oracle.Start off in rookguard so train on rats untill level 3 and get atleast 300 gold. After that go north past the bridge and North-East to the wolf cave, here train to level 6 if you can.By now you should have 400 gold stored and if you don't, go and kill sheep, chickens, deer and rabbits for the meat and ham and sell it to the man in the house on the west side of town, chicken feathers are worth 10 gold to other players. You should have copper shield, legion helmet, studded legs, leather boots and either chain armor, scale armor or brass armor if you can, your weapon should be the carlin sword as you can sell it for 115 gold in Carlin. Train a little bit more untill level 8, don't kill minataurs or rotworms unless your with a couple of friends.Go to the oracle, ask for Carlin and enter main, go to a non-pvp (no player killing) world or you will never get passed level 10.Train on rotworms and goblins and wild warriors in the Femur hills to the East untill level 13 and buy a wand of dragonbreath for 1000 gp.After that go south of Femur hills and kill the dwarfs in the caves, there are also tons rotworms there aswell, also kill the dwarf soldiers and minataurs and maybe the dwarf guards (I trained here from level 10 to level 20 in 1 day, it's easy if you are in an empty world or a pvp-enforced world which is where there is loads of player-killing, if such then go to the depots in Ab'Dendriel, safer).By now you should have most of the spells and rune spells you can and maybe have a back pack of light magic missiles. Also buy a wand of plague but i advise you to also carry your wand of dragonbreath to kill snakes, poisen spiders, spiders, wasps, etc...Go and kill cyclopses, orc warriors and leaders and party hunt on dragons and giant spiders and just keep killing them untill about level 25 and always have a backpack of heavy magic missiles. Now you should be able to kill most of the monsters in Tibia. Go and kill everything you can now, try and explore your entire map, it is very good to find excellent training places but beware as there are holes behind trees in Thais that you cannot see which will transport you to demons. Hope this guide can help you make more tibia money for your character and enjoying your tibia games very much!

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Tibia level paladin Guide

When you are playing Tibia ,you would like to want to level palading? but how to do it ,welcome to have a look at this article,you will get to know :
Starting from level 8, you leave rook you arrive in your town of choice. My reckomendations are buy the best EQ you can from the money you made in rook. Most importantly a dwarven shield and an orc axe or better.Find Yourself a nice troll cave and kill trolls with your axe while collecting spears. When you have a few spears on you (like 5) use them to kill trolls, once you run out of spears (as you probly will) use the axe again to kill mroe trolls collecting spears.At about lvl 12 you should have made enough money to buy yourself a plate set, i reckomend you do it.This meathod is very effective, and in my opion the fastest way to lvl a pally while gaining skills at the same time. once youve made youself about 40 distance and are able to make arrows you should put away your shield and axe and hunt stuff (depending on your lvl) with a bow.At about lvl 17 you can atempt to run cyc south of thais, but i dont recomend it as if you lag you die >; and you probly wont be able to kill them before they go poofy.
Lvl 20 with about 50 Distance is the best time to run cyc. you should be able to kill them fast enough and you should be able to run fast enough Very Happyof course there are other options for this lvl like hunting valks and amazons in the venore Zon camp (north) with spears and a shield.And hunting in the top lvls of SAFE tombs is allways good. Allthough id wait till lvl 25 to hunt dig scarabs as there fast and you start the chase with them at your heals, At about lvl 25 you should have made enough money to buy yourself a crown helmet and noble armor, these are the last armor and helmet i reckomend you buying (unless your world prices are low) as you can do crusader helmet quest at lvl 35 and crown armor at lvl 50.
after reaching about lvl 30 with about 60 distance is a good time to hunt in fibular. u need a key that costs 1k that you can get from simon the begger at the very south of the city (say help to him i think and then yes yes yes)There are rot worms and DS in teh east wing of fibular, a good place to run run DS if you clear the rots on your way up. The other decent wing is the south wing with lots of beholders and a few DS. Its harder to run the DS here as you dont have to much room, jsut run them towards the ladder you came down (notice theres to ladders a screen apart) and jsut run back and forward between the 2 laddders (going up and down of course)Ds are very good for distance training and they can drop some cool items, and beholders are great for loot. make sure you bring alot of arrows, some UH and some food if your not planning on killing many rots.
At Lvl 30 is a good time to hunt in the ank "city tomb" i think thats what they call it, its the south most tomb (ill post a ss of how to find it later) theres a spawn fo 3 deer above it, great for food. On the second lvl theres a stone golem, shamblers, mummys and scarabs. just run everything, make sure you run back the way you came, hot key exura for a quick release from paralyse. Shamblers are great distance training as there beefy as hell and kinda slow, but dont let them hit you they got a nasty bite Wink allso this tomb is still good exp right up to lvl 45
At Level 35 is when i reckomend your first dragon solo, allthough u can do it much earlyer but it is very dangerous and not profitable. youd want at least 67 distance. The best place to try your first solo is the ank 9 dragon spawn, lure the dragon out (carefull nto to lure more than 1) and run around the dead body at the entrace, i reckomend practising around the body jsut bellow the dragon spawn so u know the pathing of the body.Make sure you bring BOLTS and UH, allso if your brave and are planning on hunting for awhile bring a few life rings as they are cheaper than uh (casting vitas) Just remember that dragons can smap i allway heal if my hp goes bellow 300.
Lvl 45 is when i reckomend you start hunting dragons full on. Same kind of stratergy as lvl 35, just run the ank 9 spawn around the body, take life rings of mana fluids to use instead of uh (still take UH). This is by far the fastest way to level and the best money maker. i personaly dont use many life rings or mana fluids i just wait for my mana at the spawn. You should hotkey exura vita as f1 and set it to auto send so all u have to do is press it to heal Very Happy.
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Sunday, 20 December 2009

Tibia Skill training

Tibia Skill training is the only way which Knights and Paladins, two of the vocations which need skills to become stronger and better. The only way for them to become stronger with skills is to skill train. Although skill training is tough, distance is easier to train than melee skills (swording, axeing, clubbing, fisting). Skill training allows the above mentioned vocations kill and block stronger monsters. However, be warned, levels are just as important ,if no more! How to skill train?One of the most famous ways to understand skill training is the Basket, Pool and Ball. For example, you take a basket and put in one ball for every hit u made with ur fist/axe/club/sword and put in a ball. The basket can only hold 30 balls, so when you make the monster you are skill training with bleed, u empty the balls into the pool. When the pool is full, you gain a level up in the skill. However, shielding is a bit different. For every hit your skill training monsters hit, including POOFS (Shield blocked), YELLOW EXPLOSION (Armor blocked) and BLOOD HIT (you got hit with damage), you put a ball into the basket. In order to empty it, you must make a BLOODHIT on the monsters u are training with.SUmmary:1) You must make a bloodhit every 30 hits or else the hits after the 30 is not counted2) When shield training, you must make a blood hit every 30 hits on you from the monsters3) You gain the skills gradually while hunting but it is very slowPaladins, however, is the same concept with different uses of the balls. Every bloodhit u make would put 2 balls into the basket, not one. Shielld training is the same, but I have not comfirmed the amount of balls the "basket" can hold. The above finding was with arrows, so I am not sure about any other skill training items (spears, throwing stars, small stones, snowballs).
There are many different places where u can skill train. All monsters can be used, but some are more effective than others. Here is a list which I reccommend.1) Swamp Trolls. U can find a place, use parcels to get 2 swamp trolls attacking you and skill train there. Be warned that they can poison you, but they often drop fish so not much of a problem. They poison you with a Armor hit though (99% comfirmed).2)Minotaurs, Dwarves, Rotworms. You can find minotaurs to train. I have so far only found one place with them, Folda. Dwarves can be found in the dwarf mines near Kaz, with rotworms. It is reccommended to go to places where people hardly go to for skill training here. For rots you could probable try the sewers in Carlin, but you must be lucky there r hardly people around.3)Slimes. Slimes are one of the best and yet dangerous skill training monsters. For the fact that they multiple, u can skill train with tem for hours on end, but if three is on you, you'll get hit hard. The carlin sewers is the best place to do this, do to the exploitation of the terrain. Get a friend to help u with the exploitation.4)Ghouls. Ghouls are able to heal themselves, making them extremely useful for skill training. But they are dangerous themselves and are hard to find with 2 or more ghouls and their life draining abilities is not too welcomed. You can try, but beware.5)Polar bears or bears. These are good for early skill training as they have high defense and hitpoints. I used to train on these, but i found another place better after some exploration.6)Femor Hills, the power ring quest room and the one before. There are a lot of goblins but they throw stones. Hardly people come here.7)Cyclops. Yes, cyclops. They are deadly, but with a good shielding skill (55 i think), you can use them for skill training. So far i think the Thais Lighthouse is most useful for this. Get two friends to lock you in. But hope they are trustworthy. Hope you can learn more about tibia from this skill, best tibia money is prepare for your character,if you want to buy some cheap tibia gold and tibia items,I would recommend you can just go to our wbsite to have a look!

Friday, 18 December 2009

Tibia Leveling Guide

Every level in Tibia is different. This is a very obvious fact, since very few people want to play games that are exactly the same as every other game available on the market. The differences and subtleties between each type of character and class in Tibia are what keep innovation and fresh ideas at the forefront of the online role-playing game market. While it is easy to find a Tibia leveling guide for almost any game, there are some aspects of games such as Tibia that are common to all games in the MMORPG genre. Grinding and leveling are pretty common to almost any game, and this one aspect is the focus of almost every Tibia leveling guide that has ever been written. Gaining XP in Tibia is generally considered the most important aspect of these role-playing games, as with the more XP the user gains more power and a stronger ability to attack the enemy.Because of this focus on combat, almost every Tibia leveling guide involves simply killing mobs. But it is important to keep in mind that when you are leveling and grinding, there will always be mobs that are more valuable than others. Choosing these valuable, high XP mobs is far more important than any other aspect of the Tibia leveling guide. Locating the best mob for your level is key to gaining XP in Tibia while spending minimal amount of income on incidentals such as healing pots and mana. Following your own Tibia leveling guide, make sure that you are not going in the hole by spending too much on healing pots or other incidentals than the XP that you are gaining is worth. Many Tibia leveling guides will put you to work in areas that are simply too hard for your character level. Fighting against these higher-level mobs will consume a tremendous amount of healing pots and mana, and is to be avoided.Want to buy cheap tibia gold ,tibia items and Tibia powerleveling for your character for making it get high level quickly,our website is prepare for it ,welcome to take a look at our website !

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

How to Becoming good knight In Tibia

Want to play Tibia and get a way to become a good knight. You can follow this way to do it IIRookgaard:Lvl.1:Ok, First if you want a sword fighter farm the sewer of dead fresh rats don't kill rats just find dead ones do it about 10 times to get a and look for someone thats selling a carlin sword and then trade the 100 gold with themthen farm the sewer some more same way about 9 times then go to the premmy shop buy a studded shield, leather armor, and leather legs.(*this is not needed but it will be helpful try to find a dagger lying on the ground somewhere if u can't find it see if you can buy it from the premmy store if you dont have enought money and its there farm the sewer again*)Go to rabbit hole northeast from bear kill alll them in the cave in defensive mode with your dagger if you have one if you dont kil them with you carlin sword. Once you've killed them all go up to the bear cave thing dont attack the bear just stay in defensive mode again if u have the dagger attack him with it if you dont dont attack the bear at all just shield againest it. when you get down to yellow go back down kill the rabbits some more some way you did last time and loot them for meat. keep doing this until you get you get your stats 13/13 or 15/15 if you feel like it, then once you get there go kill rats and loot them until your lvl 2.Lvl.2: If your 15/15 you can defeat skellies again buy a rope buy farming for fresh rats i can with my 14/13 with some one helping me while i'm guarding them in full attack. Or you can go back and do the rabbit, bear thing. do it to desireable sword fighting and shielding.or to 17/17 now start training with trolls when they start to run just let them go do this about to then go then train with skellies until 30/30 now go kill some wolfs until your lvl 3.Lvl.3: Try to get 20/20 now with trolls by letting the go when they run away. If you want to go further you can. Now go kill and loot skellies and sell the stuff you find.Keep repeating this stuff until you get lvl .8 by lvl 8 try to get 30/30 or 40/40 if you are really devoted try to get 50/50 or 60/60. Now go find a group of strong high lvl personin rooke and go on the sword of fury quest bribe him to let you have to sword.Oracle: choose edron and knightMain: Once you get to edron go south to find a cave make sure u have a shovel and once you fin it dig a hole on it and go down there rots down here and train with them train with dagger if you have it. just keep doing this stuff and you will be a awesome knight! Hope this guide can help you make much more tibia money or tibia gold for your character in the game!

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Tibia Paladin Guide To Making Tibia Money

In Tibia Mintwallen, Hydras and Dwarf Guards are some of the best places to go in the order. Most people will tell you that collecting loot is the best way and that's how I look at it. Loot bagging is an essential part of everyday Tibia and makes for a proficient source of income for any vocation. Just try to think of it as free money. Most people don't pick up little stuff like Hatchets but if you think about it, it's actually like leaving 25gp on the ground repeatedly, which deducts from what your gross total could be. That's my point of view but I don't blame you if you don't collect the little things usually anything under 50gp as can be a bit bothersome to go all the way to Fibula to sell them but keep in mind you should be collecting Bows and Cross Bows so you'll have to make the trip anyway. You can drag your bag around with you or hide it with at least a backpack of bolts as partial contents, having some extra backpacks makes looting more enjoyable and since you won't carrying it because you should have done the POSTMANS QUEST the weight should be of no matter. If you're not good at saving money like me, just save up the loot keeping it organized, which makes for a faster more efficient selling experience. I usually sell a loot bag that weighs at least 100k oz because at that weight your pretty much guaranteed a decent sum of cash. Clearing Quest People will always need help doing quest. You can charge them money to clear the quest or even accompany them. Here are just a few that occur often enough to note. BLACK KNIGHT QUEST- The idea is to run the Black Knight around the room while you bolt it and use Sudden Death Runes, you can charge a group of low levels a set price and it adds up depending on the number of heads on the hunt. You'll need to find the key in a dead tree near by. (Need level 50) BANSHEE QUEST- This quest is a bit more tricky as the last seal can't be infiltrated by people that have all ready done so, but the people always need help killing the Warlocks and just for support. (Need level 60) STEALTH RING QUEST- This is a easy set up to be honest, I can go invisible and clear the entire pyramid with one cast of Invisibility. It's located to the far northeast of Darashia. (Need Invisible) EDRON ORC QUEST- Pretty easy for the most part, just a lot of Orcs and one Giant Spider to deal with. It's located through the sewers in the largest apartment like complex to the south of the southern most Edron Castle gate. (Shield recommended) BLOOD HERB QUEST- Another easy one being that a Giant Spider is the only creature that poses anything-immediate threat. (Shield and Heavy Magic Missile Runes recommended) DEEPER FIBULA QUEST - This quest takes a little planning with the amount of creatures your killing. People in newer worlds will need help around level 50 as well as more with the progression of time. You need a key or two down here so make sure you do your homework and ask around. (You have to be at least level 50 to get through the doors so any higher just makes it easier) Investments People need money to advance in level, as they level they make money also. What I'm getting at is that you can essentially make money by capitalizing on this idea. I personally usually invest in Mages or Knights since their gain is usually higher than that of a Paladin. Let's say you loan a sorcerer 20 backpacks of manafluids, you could make a deal like you get all the loot he collects as payment which depending on the skill of the Sorcerer should bring you in a little award. The downside is the reward might be small but if you think about it and you can increase the amount loaned as time progresses to receive larger rewards and its free money.Trading If you keep the Trade Channel open enough you'll sometimes notice a nice or maybe decent item selling way below the average price. Your goal here is to buy an item for as low as possible then sell it for the normal price. Patient is a must in this venture as items are hard to sell sometimes. Keeping this in mind next time you see a Crusader Helmet for 4K don't think twice just buy it because at the worst case scenario you can have someone sell this item to a Djinn. World Trading You can buy items cheaper in older worlds and this sometimes comes in handy. Think about it like this, if I was to buy a Magic Plate Armor in say Antica for 300K, then I could simply world trade it to a newer world where it's say 650K. By world trading a item like this you double your money. You can trade money from your current world to another to do this technique, but don't trust everyone now. It takes times and a few times getting tricked sometimes to learn, but after a while you'll be able to smell a trap from a mile away. Trade low amounts and you might want to be trying to find out about reputations of the recipient. There are plenty of ways to find this out ranging from asking around for local gossip or in the Game Chat Channel.
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Monday, 14 December 2009

How to Becoming good knight In Tibia

Want to play Tibia and get a way to become a good knight. You can follow this way to do it IIRookgaard:Lvl.1:Ok, First if you want a sword fighter farm the sewer of dead fresh rats don't kill rats just find dead ones do it about 10 times to get a and look for someone thats selling a carlin sword and then trade the 100 gold with themthen farm the sewer some more same way about 9 times then go to the premmy shop buy a studded shield, leather armor, and leather legs.(*this is not needed but it will be helpful try to find a dagger lying on the ground somewhere if u can't find it see if you can buy it from the premmy store if you dont have enought money and its there farm the sewer again*)Go to rabbit hole northeast from bear kill alll them in the cave in defensive mode with your dagger if you have one if you dont kil them with you carlin sword. Once you've killed them all go up to the bear cave thing dont attack the bear just stay in defensive mode again if u have the dagger attack him with it if you dont dont attack the bear at all just shield againest it. when you get down to yellow go back down kill the rabbits some more some way you did last time and loot them for meat. keep doing this until you get you get your stats 13/13 or 15/15 if you feel like it, then once you get there go kill rats and loot them until your lvl 2.Lvl.2: If your 15/15 you can defeat skellies again buy a rope buy farming for fresh rats i can with my 14/13 with some one helping me while i'm guarding them in full attack. Or you can go back and do the rabbit, bear thing. do it to desireable sword fighting and shielding.or to 17/17 now start training with trolls when they start to run just let them go do this about to then go then train with skellies until 30/30 now go kill some wolfs until your lvl 3.Lvl.3: Try to get 20/20 now with trolls by letting the go when they run away. If you want to go further you can. Now go kill and loot skellies and sell the stuff you find.Keep repeating this stuff until you get lvl .8 by lvl 8 try to get 30/30 or 40/40 if you are really devoted try to get 50/50 or 60/60. Now go find a group of strong high lvl personin rooke and go on the sword of fury quest bribe him to let you have to sword.Oracle: choose edron and knightMain: Once you get to edron go south to find a cave make sure u have a shovel and once you fin it dig a hole on it and go down there rots down here and train with them train with dagger if you have it. just keep ddoing this stuff and you will be a awesome knight! .Do you want to play Tibia game ?Welcome to our website for tibia moneycheap tibia gold and tibia items service.You can come and have a look!

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Tibia Mage Guide

Level 1-8
Recommended magic level: 0
You're starting at Rookgaard's temple. Get to the stables (north from Tom the Tanner's shop) and do the Doublet Quest. After that, do the Rapier Quest in the sewers. If you want some better stuff than this I'd suggest you to collect dead rats which you can sell to Tom the Tanner for 2 gp each. When you have collected some cash you can buy a Wooden Shield from Lee'Delle for 13 gp. Other cheap items which can be useful are Backpack (9 gp), Leather Armor (22 gp), Leather Helmet (11 gp) and Leather Legs (9 gp). When you are happy with your equipment, head off to the Premium island and start killing some spiders. When you are level 4 (should take about 10 minutes) you can start hunting at Premium bugs or hunt wolves, snakes and the mountain troll at the Premium island if you want to get level 8 fast. This would require that you get some better equipment (atleast a shield), and is a quick but unprofitable way. FOR BOTTERS: When you have decent equipment, go bot at Premium island's rats. This will give you good money and about 2k/h exp. TIPS: Making money at Rookgaard If you want to leave Rook with some starting cash for main you can start hunting skeletons at level 6+. Go for the Premium islands skeletons and make lootbags with maces, hatchets and brass shields and sell them to NPCs or other players. Deposit the money in the bank just to be safe. Level 8-15 (Equipment: Newbie set, Wand, 25+ Def shield) Recommended magic level: 0-18 In these levels there are a lot of hunting places that might be good for you. But this is what I recommend you to do; choose Darashia as your city when you get to main. Once you've arrived at main, start posting offers in the Trade chat for a newbie set (Scale Armor, Dwarven Shield, Dark/Steel Helmet, Brass Legs). If you're not sure about the prices, ask at Game chat. Get the free Wand of Vortex at the Mage's guild, then head north to the Minotaur Tower. Hunt at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor (only regular minotaurs) and create lootbags for money. Do NOT go down the stairs because you can get killed by the Minotaur Guards. Buy the "Light healing spell" (exura) once you get level 9, then continue hunting at the Minotaur Tower or go to one of the Rotworm caves. FOR BOTTERS: If you wanna bot here, you could eighter bot at Darashia rotworms (about 10k/h and good money) or Edron trolls/goblins (not as good exp/money, but safer). You could also try Edron rotworms or Port Hope swamp trolls. Level 15-25 (Equipment: Plate set, Wand / 2-handed weapon, 26+ Def shield) Recommended magic level: 18-25 Easy levels. When you're level 15 you should have enough cash to buy Plate set, Crown Helmet and a decent shield. Ankrahmun's larva caves are great for these levels. Use full defense if you're using a wand. Pick up the money and eat the meat. Avoid getting swarmed by the larvas and you will do fine. If you're botting you could buy a one handed weapon like serpent/spike sword. Botters may want to buy some manas just to be safe here, especially if using wand. If you don't like larvas you can continue botting at the previous spots for a while. Level 25-28 (Equipment: Plate set, Wand / 2-handed weapon, 27+ Def shield) Recommended magic level: 25-30 Also easy levels. Eighter you can continue hunting at larvas while maybe making some HMMs or you can go hunt at the GS tomb using a two-handed weapon if you wanna gain some faster exp. Level 28-40 (Equipment: Plate set, Wand / 2-handed weapon, 27+ Def shield) Recommended magic level: 30-40 These levels might be quite boring, but it's a part of the game. A good place to hunt is at the Edron Dragon lair with 2 demon skeletons as summons. This would probably need you to get some BPs with IHs to heal your summons. Experience is "fair" and loot is "average-low". Another way is to stay at GS tomb or larvas. Takes more time but here you will waste less money. Good for botters. You could also try scarabs. Experience is "fair" and money is "average-good" The third way are more dangerous and are only recommended to more experienced players if they can afford it. Exori Vis + Wand at cyclopolis will get you "good" experience and "nice" money. Might be dangerous because of lured monsters. If you wanna be on the safe side you can summon 2 monks. This will only get you half of the experience gained though and you will have to push your monks from time to time. Make lootbags for some nice cash. FOR BOTTERS: Port Hope dworcs is great here. Get a good waypoint for them and just BOT! You could also stay at larvas/GS-tomb/scarabs. Level 40-65 (Equipment: Blue Robe, Plate Legs, Crown Helmet, BoH, Wand / 2-handed weapon, 31+ Def shield) Recommended magic level: 40-52 Hunting Ancient Scarabs manually with Stairjump script should do well to level 65. If you have a blocker with you, you could hunt hydras. Bring your favourite wand and manafluids, a lot of them. Let your blocker block the middle single-spawn while you are attacking the hydra with exori vis, wand and 2 demon skeletons as summons. Experience is "high" and loot is "very nice" (for your blocker if he doesn't share the loot). If you're not going to use a blocker you will get slower experience but loot can still be very good. Get yourself a lot of manafluids and go hunt Dwarf Guards at the Kazordoon mines with exori vis and wand. Have some UHs with you. Some GFBs can also be good to have if you get trapped. Make lootbags for good money. Another good but dangerous way (recommended level 50+) is to hunt at Tar pit and use the same strategy as you would with the Dwarf Guards. Use your best wand and drink manafluids to exori vis Vampires, Bonebeasts, Demon Skeletons, Crypt Shamblers and Mummies. I recommend you to get around mlvl 50 before hunting here for good hits with the Exori Vis. Have some UHs and GFBs with you to be on the safe side. Bring about 13 BPs of manafluids per level. Note: This is an estimate, and it mostly depends on your skills as a player when hunting here. Also bring a lot of food because you won't get any food of the monsters. Experience is "excellent" and loot is "fair". Level 65-100 (Equipment: Blue Robe, Crown/Blue Legs, Royal Helmet, BoH, Wand of Cosmic Energy, Demon Shield) Recommended magic level: 52-62 By now you should have about 20k in the bank. Now you will hunt the most profitable and experience giving monsters to mid-high level sorcerers. Dragon Lords. Hunt them at the Venore dragon's underground spawn. Frost Dragons is also great here. Experience is "excellent" and loot is "excellent". Another great way to exp now is to stairjump Behemoths, really nice exp/cash. It's recommended that you use Soft Boots when doing this though. Without Soft Boots you can also try Formorgar Mines, at cults. Nice exp/loot if you are lucky. Note: Dwarf Guards and the Tar pit are still useful until about level 85. Hunting hydras in party are also good at these levels. FOR BOTTERS: Hellheim or Tombs. Level 85-100 (Equipment: Blue Robe, Crown/Blue/Golden Legs, Royal Helmet, BoH, Wand, Demon Shield) Recommended magic level: 62-66/67 Now it's time to begin the power gaming. Continue to hunt Dragon Lords/Frost Dragons. You may hunt Dwarf Guards for some cash, Tar pit will be medium difficult but the exp given won't be as good as it was earlier. Try to stick with the Dragon Lords/Frost Dragons and party hunts. You can also continue stairjump Behemoths. Demons are good, use Icicles and Self Healing activated. Stairjumping them would be good.
Hope this guide can help you get high level quickly and make more tibia gold or tibia money for your character in the game !

Friday, 11 December 2009

Tibia Combat Strategy Guide

This is a little compilation of useful combat tips. If you observe them, they may save your character's life one day!
Know Your EnemyEver since Sun-Tzu wrote his famous treatise on the art of war, generals have known how important it is to study the enemy you are fighting against. Things are by no means different in Tibia: creatures have different strengths and weaknesses, and you should know them all. Make investigations. Study them. Remember you can check out our list of all creatures in the library section or ask veteran players. And most of all, be wary whenever you meet a new creature. If you carelessly bump into a new enemy, you may quickly learn its strengths the hard way!
Know Your SurroundingsKnowing the terrain your character is moving in is also important. You should always have a general idea of your surroundings so that you know which direction to run if your character is in trouble. After all, there is no point in fleeing from a drooling giant spider only to find yourself looking into the mocking faces of a couple of bloodthirsty hunters!Be careful when exploring, but explore as much as you can. Eventually you will learn to use your knowledge of the land against your enemies.
Cooperate with Other PlayersIt is a mistake to believe that 2 characters are twice as strong as one - in fact, 2 characters that are well attuned to each other are much, much stronger than solitary fighters! In a team, characters can fully exploit their individual strengths while relying on others to make up for their weaknesses. An experienced group of characters that concentrates its firepower on one enemy can bring down the toughest creature in no time!Moreover, keep in mind that characters can also cooperate in many different ways: for example, they can rope each other through holes, they can carry equipment for each other etc. Just think how glad you will be if your character dies and a friend of yours is ready to save your lost equipment!
Avoid Getting CorneredCharacters that are surrounded by enemies often have a hard time to escape. Remember even weak creatures can hand out hefty damage if there are too many of them. Remember that no matter how high your character's shielding skill, you will not be able to block more than 2 opponents at a time! Always make sure your characters are placed in positions where no more than 2 enemies can attack them at a time - ideally you should also have an escape route in case something goes dreadfully wrong.However, if one of your characters ever gets cornered, you can try pushing an opponent away. You have to be quick to move out once you have pushed him, though, because your opponent will probably move back into position as soon as possible. Also, note that pushing will not work with all creatures.
Plan Your AttacksWhile charging head-on into battle may have its charms you should keep in mind that the most dangerous enemies are those who plan their actions well. You should do just like them - prepare a strategy based on what you know about your adversaries and put it into practice in a deliberate, systematic way. Finish off opponents one at a time, starting with the most dangerous one. Make sure your first opponent is dead before you start attacking another one - remember a heavily wounded enemy can still attack as viciously as a healthy one. More importantly, you should always think about your character's safety. You should try to figure out how you can protect your character best - perhaps you can find a way to attack enemies from where they cannot even reach your character. While this may not be particularly heroic it will definitely help to extend your character's life expectancy. Reserve honourable fighting for combat against other characters.
Have a Backup Plan ReadyRemember even the most fool-proof of plans can fail, and even if something has worked perfectly for a thousand times it may still fail spectacularly next time you are trying it out. You should be prepared for that - always expect the unexpected! Have some healing magic available at all time, and be prepared to get your characters out alive from whatever situation they may possibly encounter. Most of all, don't hesitate to run if you find a battle is too tough. Remember those who run away from a lost battle will live to fight another day!
Thanks for your reading,hope this guide can give you some useful on playing tibia game, moneytibia.com offer tibia money , cheap tibia gold and Tibia powerleveling service.You can come and have a look!Thank you!

Monday, 7 December 2009

Tibia Trading Guide

Trading would be one of the necessary thing in any game,you can buy or sell what items you want or don't want in the game,this tibia trading guide would help you to know much more tibia training clearly ,hope you can like it ! Trading Items with NPCs If you would like to sell some items that you have achieved in your numerous fights, or if you want to buy some new equipment, ask an NPC for a trade. A new window will open up on the right side of the adventure screen. By pressing either Sell or Buy, you can quickly see which items you can sell to or buy from an NPC. To find a certain item more quickly, you can select "Sort by price" or "Sort by weight" by right-clicking on the trade window. If you select an item, also its graphic will be displayed. By clicking on the graphic, you will gain information on this item. The price is quoted behind an item. By using the slide bar, you can comfortably select how many of an item you would like to buy or sell. The selected amount, the price for the selected number of items, and the money you have in your inventory are shown below the slide bar. If you have forgotten to bring enough shopping bags to carry all your wares, right-click on the trade window and select "Buy with backpacks" to get your shopping practically packed into backpacks for a small fee of 20 gold pieces per backpack. Finally, press "Ok" to confirm the trade.If you do not have enough money, space or capacity, a warning message will be displayed and the trade fails. Simply lower the amount of items on the slide bar until you meet all conditions to complete the trade. If you want to complete the trade, even though you do not have the needed capacity, simply right-click on the trade window and select "Ignore capacity". Note, however, that all items that exceed your capacity will end up laying on the floor below your character.Trading Items with Other PlayersAlthough you can buy a lot of good equipment in the various shops, you will soon realise that the best items are actually sold by other players. Watch out for interesting offers. If you do not find the item you are looking for, you may consider having a look at the trade channel or on your world's trade board.Once you have found somebody who is offering the item you are looking for you should meet up with him to trade. There is a safe trade option in Tibia which will allow you to trade items with other characters without having to fear that you are cheated. To initiate a safe trade open up a context menu by right-clicking on the item you wish to trade, then select "Trade with ...". The mouse pointer will turn into crosshairs. Now move the pointer onto the character you want to trade with and confirm by clicking on the left mouse button. The player will receive a message written in green letters that you are offering to trade an item. If a player offers something in exchange, a trade dialog will open up in which you will see all items that are on offer. You can now inspect them by clicking on the items on offer with the right mouse button. If you are happy with the item your trading partner is offering, you should click on accept. If your partner does the same, the trade will be executed, provided that both trading partners have enough capacity left to carry the new items. Please note that it is not possible to modify an offer in the safe trade dialog. Trying to do so will result in a cancellation of the deal. If you are not satisfied with your partner's offer, simply click on "Reject" and start a new trade. If you want to trade several items at once, place them in a container such as a bag or backpack. Right-click on the container and select "Trade with ..." to trade it including the content. To avoid misunderstandings any containers that are on offer will be opened, and their contents will be shown. You should keep in mind that it is not possible to trade more than 100 items at a time.Note: Even though there are other ways to trade items in Tibia, we strongly recommend you always use the safe trade mode to avoid unnecessary risks. Keep in mind that thieving is not a violation of the Tibia Rules, so the gamemasters will not be able to help you if somebody steals from you. One example for a risky trade are so-called world trades. Players that start on a new game world often try to sell their items from their old game world for items on the new one. Such world trades are in general not forbidden, but they are not supported by CipSoft. Therefore, if you get scammed in such a trade, a gamemaster cannot help you to get your items back.
Thanks for your reading,hope this guide can give you some help on tibia game and enjoying your tibia game very much! moneytibia.com is an provide superior tibia money or tibia gold, Cheap Tibia power leveling , tibia items and tibia accounts.Welcome you can just go to have a look there!

Friday, 4 December 2009

Tibia Death

Each character has a limited amount of hit points. Whenever characters take damage through weapon attacks, poison or other harmful effects they lose hit points. Characters whose hit points drop to zero die. However, in Tibia, death is not the end. Characters that have died will always be returned to the temple of their home city safe and sound, so even though it is possible for characters to die they are in fact immortal. However, this does not mean that dying does not matter at all in the game, nor is death desirable. A character that dies will suffer the following penalties:
Experience LossCharacters that die lose a certain amount of their experience points. Characters up to level 23 lose 10% of their total experience points. Starting at level 24, the total percentage that is lost is declining and is easier explained by the number of levels that are lost. Every 50 levels, a character loses half a level more, starting with losing 1 level for a character at level 50. A character at level 100 will lose 1,5 level upon death, at level 150 2 levels, at level 180 character 2,3 levels, at level 200 2,5 levels etc.If a character is promoted, the total amount of lost experience points is lowered by 30%. Moreover, your character can also collect blessings in the game which will further reduce the loss of experience points. Each blessing will reduce the loss by 8%, so promoted characters that have received all 5 blessings will lower their total experience point loss by 70%.
Skill LossIn addition to the loss of experience points, a character's skills will also be reduced on dying. However, this does not necessarily mean that your character will lose levels in every skill because of the way skill level advancements are calculated. If your character was close to an advancement in a given skill when he died, he may actually not lose a skill level at all, although he will take much longer to advance in that skill again. Similar to experience loss, skill loss will be reduced if a character is promoted or if he has received one or more blessings.
Item LossFinally, characters that die have a chance of dropping items. This chance is 10% per equipped item, however, containers such as bags or backpacks will always be dropped along with their contents. By buying blessings, characters reduce their chance to lose equipment by the following percentages:
1 blessing = 30%
2 blessings = 55%
3 blessings = 75%
4 blessings = 90%
5 blessings = 100% A character with all 5 blessings will neither lose its backpack nor any other equipment it is wearing. Characters that do not have all blessings, can also protect all items in their character slots by an item called the "Amulet of Loss" which will effectively prevent your character from dropping any item upon death unless your character is marked with a red or black skull. Characters that are marked with a red or black skull will always lose all equipment whenever they die.Any items lost upon death will remain with the body of the deceased character and can be looted by any player who happens to find it. In case a character has lost its bag or backpack after death, it will receive an empty bag in the container slot.
moneytibia.com is an provide superior tibia money or tibia gold, Cheap Tibia power leveling , tibia items and tibia accounts.Welcome you can just go to have a look there!

Friday, 13 November 2009

How To Make money In Tibia

These are some good guides for tibia players making money ,wish you like it !


There are different ways and places to go but I have personally found a few to stand out in the past. Mintwallen, Hydras and Dwarf Guards are some of the best places in my opinion in that order. Most people will tell you that collecting loot is the best way and that's how I look at it. Loot bagging is an essential part of everyday Tibia and makes for a proficient source of income for any vocation. Just try to think of it as free money. Most people don't pick up little stuff like Hatchets but if you think about it, it's actually like leaving 25gp on the ground repeatedly, which deducts from what your gross total could be. That's my point of view but I don't blame you if you don't collect the little things usually anything under 50gp as can be a bit bothersome to go all the way to Fibula to sell them but keep in mind you should be collecting Bows and Cross Bows so you'll have to make the trip anyway. You can drag your bag around with you or hide it with at least a backpack of bolts as partial contents, having some extra backpacks makes looting more enjoyable and since you won't carrying it because you should have done the POSTMANS QUEST the weight should be of no matter. If you're not good at saving money like me, just save up the loot keeping it organized, which makes for a faster more efficient selling experience. I usually sell a loot bag that weighs at least 100k oz because at that weight your pretty much guaranteed a decent sum of cash.

Clearing Quest

People will always need help doing quest. You can charge the tibia money to clear the quest or even accompany them. Here are just a few that occur often enough to note.

BLACK KNIGHT QUEST- The idea is to run the Black Knight around the room while you bolt it and use Sudden Death Runes, you can charge a group of low levels a set price and it adds up depending on the number of heads on the hunt. You'll need to find the key in a dead tree near by. (Need level 50)

BANSHEE QUEST- This quest is a bit more tricky as the last seal can't be infiltrated by people that have all ready done so, but the people always need help killing the Warlocks and just for support. (Need level 60)
STEALTH RING QUEST- This is a easy set up to be honest, I can go invisible and clear the entire pyramid with one cast of Invisibility. It's located to the far northeast of Darashia. (Need Invisible)

EDRON ORC QUEST- Pretty easy for the most part, just a lot of Orcs and one Giant Spider to deal with. It's located through the sewers in the largest apartment like complex to the south of the southern most Edron Castle gate. (Shield recommended)

BLOOD HERB QUEST- Another easy one being that a Giant Spider is the only creature that poses anything-immediate threat. (Shield and Heavy Magic Missile Runes recommended)

DEEPER FIBULA QUEST - This quest takes a little planning with the amount of creatures your killing. People in newer worlds will need help around level 50 as well as more with the progression of time. You need a key or two down here so make sure you do your homework and ask around. (You have to be at least level 50 to get through the doors so any higher just makes it easier)


People need money to advance in level, as they level they make money also. What I'm getting at is that you can essentially make money by capitalizing on this idea. I personally usually invest in Mages or Knights since their gain is usually higher than that of a Paladin. Let's say you loan a sorcerer 20 backpacks of manafluids, you could make a deal like you get all the loot he collects as payment which depending on the skill of the Sorcerer should bring you in a little award. The downside is the reward might be small but if you think about it and you can increase the amount loaned as time progresses to receive larger rewards and its free money.


If you keep the Trade Channel open enough you'll sometimes notice a nice or maybe decent item selling way below the average price. Your goal here is to buy an item for as low as possible then sell it for the normal price. Patient is a must in this venture as items are hard to sell sometimes. Keeping this in mind next time you see a Crusader Helmet for 4K don't think twice just buy it because at the worst case scenario you can have someone sell this item to a Djinn.

World Trading

You can buy items cheaper in older worlds and this sometimes comes in handy. Think about it like this, if I was to buy a Magic Plate Armor in say Antica for 300K, then I could simply world trade it to a newer world where it's say 650K. By world trading a item like this you double your money. You can trade money from your current world to another to do this technique, but don't trust everyone now. It takes times and a few times getting tricked sometimes to learn, but after a while you'll be able to smell a trap from a mile away. Trade low amounts and you might want to be trying to find out about reputations of the recipient. There are plenty of ways to find this out ranging from asking around for local gossip or in the Game Chat Channel.

Monday, 9 November 2009

How to make Tibia Gold Easily

When we are playing Tibia ,each of us wants to get much more tibia gold for our character ,but how to do it ? just follow me ,this guide will give you somehelp.

But remember, this isnt for people who are levels 60+, but for mid levels, and peolpe who want to kill intermediate monsters.

Making tibia money and gaining experience is not very easy to start off with on a brand new world, but hopefully this will give you an idea of where to start and how to go about it. Hopefully, I will also give hints about how to kill the monster in question.

Each monster will be shown in this order: NAME, HOW THEY HELP THE VOCATIONS, PROS and CONS. And without further ado, the tibia money Makers Guide: ALL VOCATIONS: Rotworms:
These happy go lucky rotworms again. Officially THE most hunted monster in tibia, with the larva's close behind them. There is more then one reason why everybody hunts the little critters. First of all, the brilliant amount of steady incomethey give. Not many rotworms give no money at all, and its very rare getting only a few GP in one. With them giving a max of 32gp, all you need is a few rotworms and youve made 1K. Another good fact is that they drop maces which most NPC's buy for 30gp, which means ou can loot them nd make bag upon bag of maces. Thy also give alot of Experience, which makes the caves they live in very crowded when 35,000+ players are online.

PROS: - Good money, - Drop maces, -Good experience.

CONS: - Caves are usually full.

After killing rotwaroms for a while, an giing good skills, consider killing these monsters for good loot.



Dwarf soldiers are THE BEST for loot at this level, because they drop Dwarven Shields(100gp in Kazoordan), Crossbows (120gp at Fibula), and Battleaxes (Bought in most places, Thais mainly). These are all big tibia gold making items for the level. After making afew lootbags full of this stuff, you will be rolling in the money. It is even better if you are a premium account and have done the postman quest which means you can parcel your items back and do not have to worry about dragging your items back to the Depot, and risk getting them stolen. Dwarf Soldiers also drop a very reasonable amount of loot. There are only 2 problems. They are ONLY found in the dwarf mines if you are a Free player, so the caves are usually always packed, whther there are only 300 players on your server or 900 players. Also, Dwarf soldiers travel in packs and one can break your shielding with its Melee and bolts, becausethese monsters can hit hard.. Therefor it is handy to have a few UH to have just in case you have more than one attacking you at once.

Thanks for your reading,Hope this guide can give you some help on making tibia money in the game and enjoying your tibia game!

Friday, 6 November 2009

Tibia Helpful funtions

Experience-check with automatic monster detection
check the experience left to level by pressign the End key.

- adjustable amount of light
To de/activate the Light press the Page Down key on your keyboard. To vary the amount of light simply drag the bar to the desired percentage.

Speedfishing can be de/activated by pressing the Page Up key, and will reactivate your fishing-rod whenever you click to fish.
By pressing the Home key you de/activate the fastfishing which will both reactivate and click your mouse to fish.

-Hotkey de/activation
Press Ctrl+Del to (de)activate the hotkeys,
example: if want to crosswalk with your numpad.

Hope these funtions can give you some help on playing tibia game!

Tibia Bots

The concept of using automated software Tibia bots on servers for the tibia game client is not new by any means. The use of automated software bots in games has been common since the earliest instances of even the most simple of first-person shooters, such as Doom, Quake and their predecessors. Bots were used to fill out the remaining player slots when the amount of live players was less than optimal for a fun and challenging match. Use of the software online tibia bots is fairly common in the modern day, even to the point where players utilize them for all manner of automated routines in games such as Tibia. Use of Tibia bots in Tibia and other online games can be a great way to improve your ability to gain experience and increase your rankings in the game world.

But unfortunately, many Tibia servers forbid the use of online Tibia bots on the part of the player, as there is so much manipulation of the XP and experience gathering grind, the process of repetitively attacking and gaining XP from mobs of creatures, game worlds are trying to crack down on third-party software such as online software Tibia bots. While these Tibia bots are completely suitable for games such as first-person shooters, where a simple software algorithm can fill out empty space that other players would ordinarily fill, players tend to believe that the use of Tibia bots is unfair in Tibia and other online multi-player role-playing games, since the gaining of XP by using a tibia bot requires no physical presence at the keyboard. This extreme advantage of the player who utilizes software Tibia bots stands in stark contrast to the average player who grinds away on a regular basis.

Deciding for yourself whether or not to take advantage of these bot programs in Tibia is a big step and it is important to remember that most Tibia server administrators do not allow these types of bot programs in their Tibia online game worlds, due to the perceived unbalancing effect. But the truth is, many of these Tibia bots are almost impossible to detect and provide an entire host of benefits, mainly free XP, making for an almost irresistible package.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

How to start Tibia 7.5 server

When you want to play Tibia game ,you should start with tibia server ,but how to do it? You can read this article to know the arswer.

You must, first of all, start downloading a nice server. I suggest YurOTS or grimmed server
This tutorial is based on YurOTS though, so I suggest you download that one.

Now, the first step;
1. Download the server. (You must be a member to enter the downloads.)
This Step is kinda explaining itself, you download the server and extract it with WinRAR. (Download it at www.rarlab.com)

2.Now that you’ve downloaded and extracted your server, browse to the place you extracted it to. This is what you’ll see (you’ll want to be in the OTS folder):

I’ll give a little explanation of every thing displayed here.
1. This is the data folder, containing all player files, account files and other scripts needed to run your server.
2. In here is the documentation (readme and stuff).
3. Well, I don’t know anything about this actually .
4. This is the config.lua file, it contains the server configuration (such as where the map is located and what’s your ip.)
5. These are dll files needed to run the server and the tibia.dat. DON’T CHANGE OR DELETE ANYTHING OF THIS.
6. This is the .exe file needed to start your server.

3. Now you know everything you need to know about the OTS folder, next is; the data folder. Open it and this is what you see:

Again, a little explanation would be nice wouldn’t it?
1. This contains all account files. They are named in the form of number.xml
2. This contains the file actions.xml, which says to which action.lua file each item leads, and the action scripts which actually makes, for an example, doors work.
3. In here are the files of all houses. You don’t need to change these for they are allready good as they are in the yurots map.
4. This contains the items.xml file, giving all item id’s. DON’T CHANGE THESE EXCEPT WHEN YOU GOT A REASON AND YOU KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING.
5. This contains all monster.xml files, telling the looktypes mana and other stuff such as attacks and loot.
6. In here are the NPC.xml and NPC.lua files. The .xml files refer to the .lua files and have got some extra information such as how the npc looks.
7. In here are the player.xml files.
8. In here are all spell scripts.
9. In here are the VIP lists of all characters.
10. The map file is in here.
11. This contains all commands. DON’T CHANGE THIS.
12. This contains the guilds, which are created at the “Guild Master”.
13. In here, it says what houses contain what items on what spots.
14. This is another file for houses. You don’t need to change this.
15. This contains the codes for the PVParena. Don’t change this for they’re already set.
16. This is the file for the waiting queue.
17. In this files all signs with text are listed with what they say.
18. This file says which monsters can be summoned for what mana. If you want you can change the mana rates a bit or add some monsters, but only do this if you understand it a bit…

4. Well wasn’t it nice to know that? Let’s get back one folder, to the OTS folder. Our next step is opening the config.lua. This is what you’ll see:

Code:——————————————OTServ configuration———————————————
datadir = “data/”
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.
—sets what map to load
mapfile = “data/world/test.otx”
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.
—the message the player gets when he logs in
loginmsg = “Welcome to YurOTS.”
//A welcome message you want people to see on log in, change this to a nice catchy sentence and people will maybe start liking it ^^.
—the port otserv listens on
port = “7171”
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.
—name of our server
servername = “YurOTS”
//The name of your server. Think of something catchy to make people feel attracted to it.
—name of the owner of our server
ownername = “Yurez”
//Your (nickname)
—email of the owner of our server
owneremail = “”
//If you want to tell, Your email.
—the url for more server info
url = “”
//A website (for example, an aac if you create one.0
—the location of the server
location = “Poland”
//Your location.
—the ip the server should redirect too
ip = “”
//Very important. Go to www.whatismyip.com and check what your ip is. Fill it in here.
—The messagebox you sometimes get before you choose characters
motd = “Welcome to YurOTS”
//Your message of the day. Think of something nice here.
—use md5 passwords for accounts, yes/no
md5passwords = “no”
//If you want to encrypt your passwords with md5… You’ll have to decide this for yourself.
—world type. options: pvp, no-pvp, pvp-enforced
worldtype = “pvp”
//Fill in “pvp” if your server will have pvp enabled, “no-pvp” if you don’t want to have fighting people everywhere :P, and “pvp-enforced” for total chaos ;).
—max number of players allowed
maxplayers = “30”
//The player limit you want in your server, the higher the system specs of your PC, and the better the internet connection, the higher you can go here.
—exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1sec)
exhausted = 2000
//The time you want exhaustion to stay. (I advise 1000=1second here)
—exhaustion time for healing spells (1000 = 1sec)
exhaustedheal = 1000
//The exhaustion time on healing spells.
—how many ms to add if the player is already exhausted and tries to cast a spell (1000 = 1sec)
exhaustedadd = 300
//I advise to put 0 here, this is how much exhaustion is added if a player tries casting a spell while exhausted.
—how long does the player has to stay out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1sec)
pzlocked = 10*1000
//Explains itself…
—allow multiple logins of the same char
allowclones = 0
//Put 1 if you want multiple logins to be allowed, put 0 if not.
—vocation names
vocations = {“a sorcerer”, “a druid”, “a paladin”, “a knight”}
promoted_vocations = {“a master sorcerer”, “an elder druid”, “a royal paladin”, “an elite knight”}
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.
—- SQL part
sql_host = “localhost”
sql_user = “root”
sql_pass = “”
sql_db = “otserv”
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.
—- SQL MAP part
sqlmap = “test_map”
map_host = “localhost”
map_user = “root”
map_pass = “”
map_db = “”
//doesn’t need to be changed in this tutorial.——————————————YurOTS configuration————————————————how often do server saves it’s state (0 = off, 5 = 5min, 60 = hour)
autosave = 5
//Explains itself.
—experience multiplier (how much faster you got exp from monsters)
expmul = 10
//The xp multiplier, 10x means you have 10x normal tibia’s experience (this means you’ll get 180 exp from a wolf.)
—experience multiplier for pvp-enforced (how much faster you got exp from players)
expmulpvp = 2
//Explains itself.
—skill multipliers: 1 – rl tibia, 10 – ten times faster etc. {no-voc, sorcerer, druid, paladin, knight}
weaponmul = {“1”, “1”, “1”, “1”, “40”}
distmul = {“1”, “1”, “1”, “40”, “1”}
shieldmul = {“1”, “1”, “1”, “20”, “20”}
manamul = {“1”, “2”, “2”, “2”, “2”}
//The times you want your voc’s to increase the leveling up in skills. The “weaponmul = {“1”, “1”, “1”, “1”, “40”}” means no-voc, sorcs, druids, and paladins have normal club, axe, fist, and sword advance, and knights have a 40x normal tibia.
—how much points of life,mana,cap do you get when advancing {no-voc, sorcerer, druid, paladin, knight}
capgain = {“10”, “10”, “10”, “20”, “25”}
managain = {“5”, “30”, “30”, “15”, “5”}
hpgain = {“5”, “5”, “5”, “10”, “15”}
//Explains itself.
—how much faster do you recovery life,mana after eating food (1 – rl tibia)
healthtickmul = 5
manatickmul = 5
//Explains itself.
—do you want to enable cap system (yes/no)
capsystem = “no”
//Yes if you want a cap limit, No if not.
—do you want players to learn spells before they can use them (yes/no)
learnspells = “no”
//Yes to enable learn spell, no to disable.
—how much % of exp/skills/stuff do you lose when dying
diepercent = 7
//Explains itself.
—how many summons player can have
maxsummons = 2
//Explains itself.
—do you want to give summons for all vocations (yes/no)
summonsallvoc = “no”
//Explains itself.
—chance of losing a spear when shot (0 – none lost, 100000 – all lost)
spearlosechance = 50
//Explains itself.
—anti-afk – maximum idle time to kick player (1 = 1min)
kicktime = 15
//Explains itself.
—how many unjustified kills to get a red skull
redunjust = 3
//Explains itself
—how many unjustified kills to get banned
banunjust = 6
//Explains itself
—how long do you have white skull after killing player (1 = 1min)
whitetime = 15
//Explains itself
—how long do you have red skull (1 = 1min)
redtime = 6*60
//Explains itself
—how long do you have to wait to lose 1 unjustified kill (1 = 1min)
fragtime = 12*60
//Explains itself
—damage of burst arrows blast—default is from (1*lvl+5*mlvl)*0.24 to (1*lvl+5*mlvl)*0.55
burstarrowdmg = {“1.0”, “5.0”, “0.24”, “0.55”}
//The 1.0, 5.0, 0.24 and 0.55 are the numbers you see above. This means that a lvl 30 with mlvl 40 would do:
Mindamage: (1*30+5*40)*0.24 = 55.2 and maxdamage: (1*30+5*40)*0.55=126.5
Maybe you want to tweak this a bit.

Everything behind the ”//” are notes by me, this is what I have to tell about it. Read it carefully and follow my instructions where needed.

5. So far the config.lua. Save it and close it. We’ll need to go to data/accounts now.
We’re in the accounts folder. This is what you see:

Indeed, one mere file called 111111.xml.
Let’s open it and see what’s in then, well this is:



Okay, now we’re going to this line:


>and We’ll delete this part:


Well, now we edit the




Let’s return a bit, to this line:


We’ll change it to


Close it, after saving it, and change the name of 111111.xml

to {A}.xml

6. That’s the account folder. Go back one level to the data folder, and enter the players folder.
This is what you’ll see:

So we’re here with 2 files, GM Yurez.xml, and Yurez.xml.
We’ll start by deleting the second, Yurez.xml.
This leaves us with GM Yurez.xml. Try opening it.
You see this code:


Indeed, that’s a lot, but fortunately we only need the first part, this part:


Well, what to do. First of all we change




Now change






Maybe you want to change.






If you’re female though. And maybe you want to set your



To something higher, such as



If you do this, you’ll be able to create scripts which you can use, but acces 1 can’t.
Well, if you’d be so kind to save the file and close it…
Now we’ll rename the file GM Yurez, to {C}.

Anything else we need to change? Well, not right now! Congratiolations, you’re ready to go back 2 levels and run YurOTS.exe. (Number 6 on first image)
you’re done, all you need to do is connect to ip and log in, now you’re running around on your own server!

Grecho's Knight Guide 1-80 In Tibia

It's rook damnit, we can't be arsed to move the character every half hour now do we?
How good exp? 1k/h
How good profit? 500gps/h
How much waste?
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Mace or a weapon with equal attack, a shield and some crappy armor
Notes: The first hour or so keep an extra eye when the waypoint enters the bugs place, cant be handled easily in lower levels but at level 5 or so the bot should run entirely by its own
8-12, Venore Swamp Trolls
Why? It's FACC, we don't have much choices but this place is nice..
HOW good exp? 3-5k/h
HOW good profit? Nothing much, you will have money for the fibula key but that is about it
How much waste? Just a few health pots
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Level 8, and the equipment you got from island of destiny
How do i get there? Follow the map
12-20, Fibula Rotworms
Why? Good exp for those low levels
HOW good exp? 5-8k/h
HOW good profit? Not alot but it's good for now
How much waste? Nothing, keep 2-3 health potions in the backpack just to be safe
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Level 12, Plate set and a weapon equal to Serpent Sword and a key that costs 800 gps, you can read more about it and how to get it here:
How do i get there? Follow the map
20-30, Kazordoon Dwarfs
Why? Nice exp, chance of iron ores and which generates big money
HOW good exp? 9-12k/h
HOW good profit? 700gps/h, iron ore if lucky
How much waste? Few health pots as always
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Level 20, Plate set and a bright sword or similar
How do i get there? Follow the map
30-50, Dworcs
Why? Loads of money, this is where you will get lots of your eq
HOW good exp? 18k/h - 22k/h
HOW good profit? You will need to go to depot every 2nd hour to deposit all the gold you made, so alot :P
How much waste? Basicly nothing, bring 1 bp mana, will last you forever
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Level 30 and decent weapon (armor doesnt matter)
How do i get there? Go to Port hope and follow the map
Notes: You will be getting ALOT of money here, get ready to deposit tibia gold and sell loot every 1.5-2.5h..
50-80, Frost Giants
In order to hunt/bot here you need to have done the barbarian test quest. You need to make some of the ice island quests aswell.
Why? Good exp, good profit, people hardly never comes there
HOW good exp? 33k/h on level 50, 48k/h on level 80
HOW good profit? In 2½ hours (time to get full cap) about 10k gold, 0-2 shards and 3-5 halberds.
How much waste? 1-2 bps mana potions for 2½ hours.
Awesome, but what are the requirements? Level 50 and decent skills like 70/70 for the top floors (Hunt on frost giants). Or 75 with good skills 75/75 for the lower floors (Frost giants perfect).
How do i get there? Go to Svargrond, take Buddels boat and ask to g to Tyrsung.

Hope you have fun plying Tibia !

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

The Infamous Rookgaard - levels 1-8 With Playing Tibia

A Paladin to me is in the words of the great Xanadu himself, " Mostly a loan wolf". Give an experienced Paladin enough supplies and he can perform almost any task solo. A Paladin can block as good as a Knight with the noted exception of the Challenge Spell, but their shielding advances at the same rate. People actually say a good Paladin is a better blocker than a Knight for the simple fact they understand the shooters point of view and can heal for more. It's expensive with Arrows and Bolts in the beginning, leaving you to wonder when you'll actually make money. The answer is after level 40 and distance 70 you'll be an efficient enough killer.

My Two Cents

Try to keep in mind that I've played my entire career as a Premium player so I naturally neglected a free area guide for my obvious absents of experience in this field. I'm level 72 at the moment playing in the world of Premia. Always remember that panicking is the worst idea in stressful situations as well as tense moments, try to stay focused even in sudden death situation. You would be surprised to find out how often you can make it out alive by simple choices like healing instead of running or healing the blocker first and throwing on a Energy Ring giving you time to heal. A little advice is to always carry a few backpacks of Ultimate Healing Runes but mainly heal with magic to help your magic level. Using spells like Intense Healing instead of Ultimate Healing when possible saves money on mana fluids.

The Infamous Rookguard

(Levels 1-8)

This simple little venture can be as hard or as easy as you wish. The first time I visited this place it took me 8 days to get to Main but by the second time it took me all but 56 minutes. I usually sell Rats to Tom The Tanner to get some basic equipment and a Shovel, which is usually best, accompanied by a Rope but realistically they are a little expensive together. There is a Rope that spawns once a day at the Orc Spearmen single spawn in the Troll cave to the western Premium area across the bridge to the southern direction of All'Dees shop. It's usually a pretty good gamble to wander around the free area hunting spawns such as the Old House to the north of the free town and acquiring free equipment from the dead creatures that litter the cave floors. There are various quests at the holes and ladders in the Old House but be weary of lured creatures and traps set by people. There are is also a CHAIN ARMOR QUEST followed by the CARLIN SWORD QUEST to the north past some Minos in the lower levels of the Old House. It's easy enough to acquire Leather Pants in the shop along with a Wooden Shield or maybe a Leather Helmet. Buying Leather Armor isn't a bad investment in the beginning but quickly becomes outdated with the introduction of Chain Armor or Studded Armor. If you can make it to the Goblin cave in the western Premium area, it can make for some pretty decent experience if you have strong enough skills to kill them, also I would bring some food. Your weapon class in rook doesn't really matter seeing as you will be using your distance in Main and it advances faster with the choosing of a vocation in main, given that you chose the Paladin as your destiny. Using spears in Rookguard is a waste of time since it advances faster in Main and they are harder to obtain in Rookguard for the simple reason Trolls are slow to die. Simply get new equipment as fast as possible until you can successfully kill Trolls. Go visit the Oracle to choose your visit with the advancement of level 8.

Training and Magic Information

Training is like a burden that most people accept as a sort of coming with the territory. Training is always a advantage with the notable exception to doing so in Rookguard. There is no magical level to start training because the better your skills the faster you can level in a sense. With each skill earned your damage and accuracy increases which in turn gradually reduces your Bolt and Arrow usage making for a increased profit.

Now the fun comes with the wonderful task of picking up Spear after Spear after Spear for hour after hour. If you haven't guessed I was being sarcastic, training is really annoying but the good thing is all you really need is distance 70 for graduated hunting but distance 80 is what your shooting for being the ideal distance in my mind. Training is simple enough before distance 80. Get a nice Mage friend to summon a Monk or 2 and you buy a decent amount of Spear at least a few hundred along with plenty of food which in turn makes for a decent training experience. In Tibia all avatars can block only 2 opponents at a time (A exception to this is the Halloween Hare) so with this in mind think about it like this. If you attack the Monk it has a chance to block your attack alone, so if you where to lure 2 weak creatures to attack the Monk, it in a sense breaks the shielding leaving it open to your attack giving you a higher hit percentage which means more blood hits. From what I've heard but not tested, blood hits count for more towards a advance in distance fighting. The training is boring but it goes by fast and you might even grow interested in training because of the ease prompting you to continue on. At around distance 70 it becomes harder to train on Monks because you do much more damage and the Monk can't heal fast enough to negate the damage being delt. When you have enough mana also you can convince Dark Monks in the Dark Cathedral and use either Spears and even Throwing stones come in handy if you've collected enough. In Player Verse Player servers you can train with other people also. I would suggest a Paladin around your level or a higher level Knight. It's easier to train with a Paladin in my opinion since they use thier own powerful magic spells to heal. You should be ready to change your styles of fighting that include, defensive, balanced and full attack to reach a balanced form of damage dealt and recieved. Equipment has a lot to do with training also so be ready to change it around to suit yourself and your training buddy.

So what about shielding? I got my shielding up using a Ghoul because it was so much easier since it was on my time after I could convince them. When spears started breaking I begun using a sword to train with. It's not really a major need, but it's come in handy for me plenty of times blocking creatures. It's really nothing to carry a Demon Shield on you just incase the Knight dies because you may need to take on the role as blocker or make a hasty exit and being able to block extra damage can save your life. Having a shield is great when a high level Knight is attacking you with a weapon with 45+ attack. Keep mind healing is the number one priority.

Skill list

Blood and Spark % 1-30 (So figure anytime inbetween) Credits to Pskonejott for his skills calculator which I used for this list and you can find more detailed info at his website. www.Pskonejott.com

Skill------Total Time at 30%------Total Time at 1%
30-------52m--------------------1h 1m
40-------2h 28m-----------------2h 54m
50-------6h 35m-----------------7h 42m
60-------17h 9m-----------------20h 4m
70-------44h 17m----------------51h 50m
80-------113h 58m---------------133h 25m

(All times are a total so it's the new time plus the older time added together to make a total)

Magic level list

Magic level---Mana for advance--Time with Promotion--Time with Unpromoted
0-1----------1,600--------------40m-----------------53m 20s
1-2----------2,240--------------56m-----------------1h 14m 40s
2-3----------3,132--------------1h 18m 18s----------1h 44m 24s
3-4----------4,388--------------1h 49m 42s----------2h 26m 16s
4-5----------6,144--------------2h 33m 36s----------3h 24m 48s
5-6----------8,604--------------3h 35m 6s-----------4h 46m 48s
6-7----------12,042-------------5h 1m 6s------------6h 41m 28s
7-8----------16,864-------------7h 1m 36s-----------9h 22m 8s
8-9----------23,612-------------9h 50m 18s----------13h 7m 4s
9-10---------33,056-------------13h 46m 24s---------18h 21m 52s
10-11--------46,280-------------19h 17m-------------1d 1h 42m 40s
11-12--------64,792-------------1d 2h 59m 48s-------1d 11h 59m 44s
12-13--------90,708-------------1d 13h 47m 42s------2d 2h 23m 36s
13-14--------126,992------------2d 4h 54m 48s ------2d 22h 33m 4s
14-15 -------177,792------------3d 2h 4m 48s--------4d 2h 46m 24s
Hope this guide can give you some help when you are the newer to play Tibia game!
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