Sunday, 31 January 2010
How to make 100-500 gp an hour ez on rook in Tibia
bring a bag with yougo across the north bridge and head => east past bugs and suchgo south until u find bear cavego insideproceed to kill all of the bears and wolves and lot the meat and hamkick the bag back <= towards town wallthrow on top of buildinggo to bagthrow on top of other building to southgo to bagthrow under tree to southkick bag from tree to tree to food shopsell fooddeposit gp, rinse repeat
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Saturday, 16 January 2010
Guides To Get Free Stuff In Tibia
Getting better equipment is one of the most critical things you can do to improve your character, just like in any massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). The absolute best way to get your hands on some free items is by joining a guild. If you befriend players who are guild members, they can help you by asking their guild leader to let you join. Guild members are usually willing to pass along secondhand items or equipment that is obsolete for their level. See the Warnings section for more information about this step.
If you are having trouble finding a guild, your next best option for free stuff is to go on a quest. Quests in Tibia usually have level requirements, so you will have to start off small. One of the best low-level quests is the Desert Quest, available at Level 20.
Another option for getting free stuff is a bit of thievery. Good hunting sites are always full of players who are fighting monsters to gain experience and get some loot. Often, however, a player will run out of carrying capacity and will be forced to leave items behind. Following a player as he kills monsters and checking kills after he leaves will usually yield some decent items or gold. See the Warnings section about using this tactic.
If all else fails, you can try simply asking for free items or donations under the game's many chat buttons. However, you will rarely find anyone willing to simply give things away without offer tibia money,cheap tibia gold and Tibia power leveling service.You can come and have a look!
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Tibia Quest Guide
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Tibia Basic Controls
Most actions in Tibia are controlled through so-called "context menus". Context menus are small sub-windows that open up whenever you right-click on a character or on an item. A number of actions will be displayed. To pick one select it by using the mouse pointer and click on the left mouse button to confirm.
To the left you can see a typical context menu. You can choose to look at, use, follow or even attack the selected creature. Also, you can copy the selected creature's name and paste it by using the key combination Ctrl+V.
Note: The keys shown in brackets behind certain actions indicate shortcuts you can use to speed up controls. For instance, holding down the Shift key while left-clicking on an item will cause your character to look at it, and clicking on an item while pressing the Ctrl key while make him use an item.
Set Character Outfit
The setting of character outfits is a typical example for an action that is performed by using a context menu. You can change your character outfits anytime. Just open the context menu by right-clicking on your character and select "Set Outfit". You can choose your favourite outfit from 4 different figures. Also, you can customise characters even further by painting individual body parts with the colour of your choice.
Note that premium players may choose from 11 rather than from 4 character skins. 10 further character outfits are available to premium players after solving quests. An additional wedding outfit is available for all married characters, no matter if on a premium or free account.
Premium players are also able to earn additional accessories for their outfits. Each outfit can be upgraded further by activating 2 so-called addons. Ask NPCs for further information.
If you have chosen a premium skin and your premium time ends, your character will wear the citizen outfit at the next log into the game. Also all addons you might have earned will be suspended until you get more premium time. offer cheap tibia money ,tibia gold and Tibia powerleveling service.You can come and have a look!Thank you!
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Tibia guide For Sorcerer level to 160 fast
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Druids & Sorcerers leveling guide In Tibia
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Tibia level paladin Guide
Starting from level 8, you leave rook you arrive in your town of choice. My reckomendations are buy the best EQ you can from the money you made in rook. Most importantly a dwarven shield and an orc axe or better.Find Yourself a nice troll cave and kill trolls with your axe while collecting spears. When you have a few spears on you (like 5) use them to kill trolls, once you run out of spears (as you probly will) use the axe again to kill mroe trolls collecting spears.At about lvl 12 you should have made enough money to buy yourself a plate set, i reckomend you do it.This meathod is very effective, and in my opion the fastest way to lvl a pally while gaining skills at the same time. once youve made youself about 40 distance and are able to make arrows you should put away your shield and axe and hunt stuff (depending on your lvl) with a bow.At about lvl 17 you can atempt to run cyc south of thais, but i dont recomend it as if you lag you die >; and you probly wont be able to kill them before they go poofy.
Lvl 20 with about 50 Distance is the best time to run cyc. you should be able to kill them fast enough and you should be able to run fast enough Very Happyof course there are other options for this lvl like hunting valks and amazons in the venore Zon camp (north) with spears and a shield.And hunting in the top lvls of SAFE tombs is allways good. Allthough id wait till lvl 25 to hunt dig scarabs as there fast and you start the chase with them at your heals, At about lvl 25 you should have made enough money to buy yourself a crown helmet and noble armor, these are the last armor and helmet i reckomend you buying (unless your world prices are low) as you can do crusader helmet quest at lvl 35 and crown armor at lvl 50.
after reaching about lvl 30 with about 60 distance is a good time to hunt in fibular. u need a key that costs 1k that you can get from simon the begger at the very south of the city (say help to him i think and then yes yes yes)There are rot worms and DS in teh east wing of fibular, a good place to run run DS if you clear the rots on your way up. The other decent wing is the south wing with lots of beholders and a few DS. Its harder to run the DS here as you dont have to much room, jsut run them towards the ladder you came down (notice theres to ladders a screen apart) and jsut run back and forward between the 2 laddders (going up and down of course)Ds are very good for distance training and they can drop some cool items, and beholders are great for loot. make sure you bring alot of arrows, some UH and some food if your not planning on killing many rots.
At Lvl 30 is a good time to hunt in the ank "city tomb" i think thats what they call it, its the south most tomb (ill post a ss of how to find it later) theres a spawn fo 3 deer above it, great for food. On the second lvl theres a stone golem, shamblers, mummys and scarabs. just run everything, make sure you run back the way you came, hot key exura for a quick release from paralyse. Shamblers are great distance training as there beefy as hell and kinda slow, but dont let them hit you they got a nasty bite Wink allso this tomb is still good exp right up to lvl 45
At Level 35 is when i reckomend your first dragon solo, allthough u can do it much earlyer but it is very dangerous and not profitable. youd want at least 67 distance. The best place to try your first solo is the ank 9 dragon spawn, lure the dragon out (carefull nto to lure more than 1) and run around the dead body at the entrace, i reckomend practising around the body jsut bellow the dragon spawn so u know the pathing of the body.Make sure you bring BOLTS and UH, allso if your brave and are planning on hunting for awhile bring a few life rings as they are cheaper than uh (casting vitas) Just remember that dragons can smap i allway heal if my hp goes bellow 300.
Lvl 45 is when i reckomend you start hunting dragons full on. Same kind of stratergy as lvl 35, just run the ank 9 spawn around the body, take life rings of mana fluids to use instead of uh (still take UH). This is by far the fastest way to level and the best money maker. i personaly dont use many life rings or mana fluids i just wait for my mana at the spawn. You should hotkey exura vita as f1 and set it to auto send so all u have to do is press it to heal Very Happy.
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